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摘 要 印染行业是工业废水排放大户,印染废水的水质变化复杂,色度、化学需氧量和生化需氧量很高是废水处理难题之一。近年来,随着化学纤维织物的发展、仿真技术的兴起和印染后整理技术的进步,PVA浆料、人造丝碱解物、新型助剂等难生化降解的有机物大量进入印染废水,其COD浓度达到2000—3000mg/L,使原有的生物处理系统去除率从70%下降到50%左右。甚至更低。因此,研究经济有效的印染废水处理技术已成为当今环保重要的课题和必要。 本文综述了印染废水的特点及近年来国内常用的一些处理方法,主要包括物理处理法、化学处理法和并从经济性、实用性等方面比较了各种方法的优缺点,针对各种不同来源的印染废水提出了最佳的处理方法,最后还ick: The paper systematically introduces the dyeing and printing wastewater pretreatment and dyeing before treatment technology in the physical, chemical and biological treatment method, including pretreatment including: grille, screen, sand, adjust, cooling, The physical methods for adsorption, absorption method: this method is activated clay, such porous materials powder or particles and wastewater, or mixed wastewater by its particles composed by the filter bed (the pollution, waste material in porous material surface by adsorption are filtered or remove, Chemical method includes: coagulation, oxidation (chlorine oxidation and ozone oxidation method LvHuaFa), light, The biological method includes: activated sludges and biological membrane. Briefly analyzed, and the development trend of the dyeing and printing wastewater, printing and dyeing wastewater new technology and development prospects of dyeing and processing, in the development trend of printing and dyeing wastewater treatment in combination of printing and dyeing wastewater should change the characteristics and development of printing and dyeing wastewater treatment of new technology, new technology, and by other industrial wastewater treatment, and constantly improve the experience in new emission standard requirements, realize the reduction or not discharge wastewater, New technologies of dyeing and printing wastewater photochemical method, including: the membrane separation technology, ultrasonic technology and high-energy physics law. Keywords: Printing and dyeing wastewater treatment 前 言 印染工业作为中国具有优势的传统支柱行业之一,20世纪90年代以来获得迅猛发展,其用水量和排水量也大幅度增长。据不完全统计,我国日排放印染废水量为3000-4000kt,是各行业中的排污大户之一。加强印染废水的处


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