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Vincent van Gogh When you fell in love with someone, you love him/her not just because of his/her beautiful appearance, but also his/her inner shine personality. So as I, there has an artist who I admire, looks cold and lonely, even be considered as a bit neurotic sensitive quirks person. Even though he was alive, did not receive any recognition. His heart was full filled with passion and enthusiasm of compassion for human. His fiery heart inspires me deeply. 当你爱上一个人,你爱他/她并不只因为他/她外表的美丽, 而是他/她内心闪耀的人格。正如我,我钦佩的这位画家,外表孤独冷漠,甚至是个有点神经质的敏感而有怪癖的人。竟管他在世的时候,并没有得到任何人的认可;然而他却拥有一颗充满了狂热的激情和对人类悲悯的心。正是他这颗炽热的心深深地鼓舞着我。 Table of contents Vincent van Gogh’s profile Vincent van Gogh’s paintings A Song for Vincent 目 录 文森特·凡·高的简介 文森特·凡·高的画 献给文森特·凡·高的歌 Vincent Van Goghs profile Vincent Van Gogh (March 30, 1853 - July 29, 1890) was born in Zundert, The Netherlands; his father was a Protestant minister, a profession that Vincent found appealing and to which he would be drawn to a certain extent later in his life. His sister described him as a serious and introspective child. 文森特·凡·高的简介 文森特·凡·高(1853年3月30日 - 1890年7月29日)出生在荷兰的津德尔特;他的父亲是一名基督教牧师,父亲的职业是一个被文森特认为具有号召力,并在他其后的生命中一定程度上为之吸引的职业。而他的妹妹则形容他为严肃而内省的孩子。 Van Goghs influence on expressionism, fauvism and early abstraction was enormous. He is generally considered the greatest Dutch painter after Rembrandt, though he had little success during his lifetime. Van Gogh produced all of his work (some 900 paintings and 1100 drawings) during a period of only 10 years before he succumbed to mental illness (possibly bipolar disorder) and committed suicide. His fame grew rapidly after his death especially following a showing of 71 of van Goghs paintings in Paris on March 17, 1901 (11 years after his death). 文森特·凡·高对表现主义、野兽派和早期抽象派领域的影响是巨大的。他被普遍认为是继伦勃朗之后荷兰最伟大的画家,虽然他在生前并不太成功。凡高生平的作品(约900幅油画和1100幅素描)创作于因患精神疾病(可能是抑郁症)而自杀之前的十年期间。他死后名声迅速增长,尤其是从1901年3月17日在巴黎举办的“凡高的71幅油画展”以后(距离他去世有十年的时间)。 Vincent Van Goghs paintings This is the only painting he s


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