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KAZAKHSTAN - Part 2 - The Oil Producing Ventures. 鲁克从1997年进入哈萨克油气市场,至2005年底在哈萨克投资了45亿美元。 APS Review Oil Market Trends ? July 28, 2008 ? There are more than 170 fields in Kazakhstan, all onshore but with a major part of Tengiz having become offshore because of a rise in the Caspian Seas level. Those in operation are producing a total of over 1.65m b/d of crude oil and condensate, up from 1.45m b/d in 2007 and 1.35m b/d in mid-2006. Crude oil and condensate output has risen from 828,000 b/d in 2001 and 609,000 b/d in mid-1998. The liquids output will exceed 3m b/d in 2015. Production of natural gas is set to rise from 29.6 BCM/year in 2007 to 114 BCM/year by 2020, according to the state-owned KazMunaiGaz (KMG). KMG President and CEO Uzakbai Karabalin was on Feb. 26, 2008, quoted as saying most of the increase in production will come from new gas fields in the west of the country as well as from the resources of the Kazakh and Turkmen sectors in the Caspian Sea. He said Kazakh consumption of natural gas was to grow from 13.3 BCM/year in 2007 to 18.7 BCM/year by 2020. Most fields are old and need rehabilitation, with only a few in good working condition. A number of old fields are out of operation and have many idle wells. For example Uzen, a large oilfield, has about 4,000 wells and only half of them are producing 100,000 b/d (from 55,000 b/d in mid-1998). There are 34 crude oil, condensate and producing firms in Kazakhstan. But of these only seven are producing 1.538m b/d of liquids. The other 27 firms are producing 112,500 b/d of liquids and varied volumes of natural gas. So the total for Kazakh liquids production in 2008 will average 1,650,500 b/d. Kazakhstan has the Caspian regions largest recoverable oil and condensate reserves, and its production of liquids accounts for over 55% of 3m b/d currently being produced in the region (including Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan). Below are brief profiles of the main Kazakh oil and condensate fields (for more


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