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IELTS International English Language Testing System 国际英文水平测试 IELTS: Introduction 考试分数:雅思考试采用 9分制, 满分为 9 分 考试时间:2小时55分钟 (其中包括10分钟誉写答案) IELTS: Introduction Contents:Four Parts Listening:30 minutes,9marks Reading: 60 minutes ,9marks Writing : 60 minutes , two articles, 9marks Speaking:10-15 minutes , 9marks IELTS: Introduction A类: 学术类( Academic) G类:移民类(General) 均采用相同的听力和口试模式,阅读和写作不同,G类 (移民类)阅读和写作部分要求比学术模式(Academic Module)相对低些 IELTS: Listening Listening(30 minutes,9marks) 4 Sections and 40 Questions 30分钟播放录音,播录音时,每题有几秒的停顿,可自行作记号,另加10分钟誉写答案 IELTS: Listening 题目类型 配对(Matching) 真假(True False) 填充(Gap fill) 多选(Multiple Choice) 完成句子(Sentence Completion) 标签(Diagram Labeling) 选图表(Chart table completion) 简答(Short-answer question) IELTS: Reading Reading(60 minutes ,9marks) 3篇文章,各约750字,40小题。 A类(留学类) 3篇长文章,1500-1800字; G类(移民类)为多篇短文,如广告等和一篇长文章。 IELTS: Reading 题目类型 填空 Gap filling 搭配 Matching 回答问题 Short-answer question 完成句子 Sentence Completion 多项选择 Multiple Choice 判断正误True ,False or Not Given 时间到,离场休息10分钟 IELTS:Writing Writing (60 minutes , 9marks) 2篇文章,要求完成时间为60分钟, 第一篇用20分钟,150字左右 , 根据图表描述说明分析等,如流程图、剖面图、曲线图 第二篇用40分钟,250字左右,社会功能信函,辩论性文章等 IELTS:Writing Speaking(10-15 minutes , 9marks) 时间:当天下午或第二天,10~15分钟内结束 口试时间表会公布在公告板上,列出何时哪位考生与哪位主考官Examiner面试 在口试开始之前先填资料表,并交给主考人员,作为面试的资料提供 IELTS:Speaking Three steps: Part one: the interview The examiner will ask you some questions focusing on areas such as your interest, studies or working life. IELTS:Speaking Part Two: the long turn In this part you will be asked to give a short talk for one or two minutes on a topic chosen by the examiner. IELTS:Speaking Part Three: the discussion You will be presented with some more abstract questions.These will be broadly linked to the topic introduced in Part 2. 雅思(IELTS)分数档次说明 9分 Expert User  Has fully operational command of the language appropriate, accurate and fluent with complete understanding.     雅思(IELTS)分数档次说明 8分


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