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1 发生极移的关键“时刻表” HELP CONSTRUCT KEY EVENTS TIMELINE 极移“关键事件”时间表 · Posted by Karen Lee on January 2, 2010 at 2:17am · View Discussions This is a group project to SEQUENCE the KEY EVENTS leading up to the pole shift so we can prepare and take action in a timely manner! Hopefully, this concise listing will heighten everyones awareness motivation, and serve as a reference (especially to Others who havent/cant read all of ZT, GLP, EC, etc.). Please focus on sequencing and referencing SPECIFIC EVENTS including WORLDWIDE events that will be easily recognised by the general populace! THANKS for contributing (and correcting anything you see is out of sequence, or in errror)!!! 这是对极移来到前一系列“关键事件”所作的群体预测,以便让我们及时地作出准备并采取行动。很有希望的是这简明的表单可提高每个人的意识水平和积极性,并作为参考(特别是对那些没有,或不能读到“齐塔人之声”,GLP以及EC上面内容的人们)。请关注事件发生的顺序以及提到过的“特定事件”,包括了那些能轻易地被公众所识别的世界范围的事件!谢谢提供意见(可纠正任何你看见的不符合顺序的内容或错误)!!! General Events (in order of occurrence): Increasing Quakes, Volcanoes, Floods, Earth Upheaveals (land slips, water/gas main breaks, high tides, imploding bridges, high tides), Signs in Sky, Cover-Ups/Excuses, Ring of Fire Active, High Tides, Fierce Storms, Erattic Weather, Falling Dollar, Economic Downfall, Cold Northern Winter, UFO Sightings, Droughts, Deluges, Second Sun, Population Shifts/Migration, Escalating Quakes, Extreme Weather, Comet, 总体事件(按照发生顺序):增加的地震,火山,洪水,地球激变(山体滑坡,水和天然气主管道破裂,高潮汐,内爆的桥梁),天空中出现迹象,真相掩盖与借口丨,活跃的太平洋火圈,高潮汐,剧烈的风暴,怪异的气候,美元下跌,经济滑坡,寒冷的北半球冬季,ufo目击事件,干旱,洪水,第二个太阳,人口转移与迁徙,增强的地震活动,极端天气,彗星。 SPECIFIC EVENTS (in order of occurence) *Escalating Earth Changes (*see below) *Second Sun sightings 2003 *Beginningof 2008 we were at a level 2-3 (*see below) 特定的事件(按照顺序): 增强的地球变化(见下面) 2003年目击第二个太阳 从2008年初期,我们就进入了23阶段(见下面) *Recent: Level 6 (reconfirmed as of Nov 7, 2009) (*see below) *Recent: Second Sun sightings (*see below) *CURRENT: Escalating Quake Volcanic Activity *CURRENT: Indonesia: Disasters Population Migrations *CURRENT: Crop Circle Warnings: Approaching Golden Tri


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