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Instructor: 授课讲师: Samuel Jackson Course Name: Oral English Summer Intensive 课程名称:暑期口语强化班 Course Level: Elementary School 课程程度:小学 Course Description: OESI is designed for ESL students who wish to learn the basics of the English language and wish to further their oral English skills. 课程描述:暑期英语口语强化班针对的对象为:掌握了基本英语知识,并期望进一步强化口语能力的英语学习者。 Learning Outcomes: 学习效果 Students will learn to write simple words and sentences according to modern English standards. 按照当代英语标准,学员将能够写出简单词汇和句子。 Students will learn the proper tone and cadence of simple phrases according to Modern Standard American English. 按照美式英语标准,学员将能够正确掌握简单短语的语音语调。 Students will learn vocabulary relating to: classroom vocabulary, clothing, colours, directions, and question forming. 学员将学习与课室物品,衣服,颜色,方向和如何正确提问相关的词汇。 Students will develop the ability to understand complex English sentences as spoken by a native English speaker. 学员将获得听懂欧美人士所说的复杂句子的能力。 Required Materials: 上课应带物品 A pen or pencil 铅笔,圆珠笔,或钢笔。 A binder or folder with pockets to keep all class handouts 用于保存课堂学习资料的文件夹或文件袋 A notebook for note taking 用于做课堂笔记的笔记本 Attendance Policy: 出勤制度: No student may fail to attend, or be tardy to, more than two classes or face expulsion. 学员不得旷课,旷课或严重迟到两次以上将面临开除。 The school must be notified at least 24 hours in advance of any and all absences. 不能按时上课或需要请假,学员必须在24小时之前通知桂岭学习。 In case of an absence, students are required to make-up all work given in the unattended class. 如果缺席,学员必须完成已缺课的所有功课。 Method of Evaluation: 评估方式: Students’ final grades will be determined according to their scores on homework assignments and on the end-of-term exam. 学员最终成绩将由平时作业成绩和期末考试成绩决定。 Homework accounts for 30% of a student’s grade. 平时作业成绩占学员最终成绩的30%. The end-of-term exam accounts for 70%. 期末考试成绩占学员最终成绩的70% Grade values: 评分系统: 90-100=A 80-89=B 70-79=C 60-69=D Less than 60=F Course Syllabus课程表 Date 日期 Day of the Week星期 Class Content 内容 Homework 作业 6 July 2009 七月六日 Monday 星期一 Greetings and introductions 打招呼和互相介绍 None 无 7 July 2009 七月七日 Tuesd



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