
Die Waldungen bes Herrn Fürften Joh. Adolph zu Schwarzenberg.pdfVIP

Die Waldungen bes Herrn Fürften Joh. Adolph zu Schwarzenberg.pdf

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Die Waldungen bes Herrn Fürften Joh. Adolph zu Schwarzenberg

SEDATIVES, ANALGESICS, ANTIDOTES, AND THEIR INTERACTION A REVIEW ALLEN IB DOBK N, M D ~ THE ANAESTHETISTlS harassed constantly by three needs m his ]ally work Each of these contributes to the things that make the d~fference bet~ een an unevent- ful anaesthetm and one charged With ~omphcat!ons They are ~elated m part to our desire for drugs with specml propqrtms which can producc~ in the pataent a certain response without any delet~enoUs or other undesirable effect, and can be hsted as follows 1 Sedataves which produce effectave psychic sedahon dunng the Immediate preoperatave penod, without provokang rmusea, vonutmg, s~vere respiratory depressmn, circulatory mstabdaty, histammq.-hke reactions, andl behavmural dis- turbances ~ 2 Potent analKeslcs, with a relahvely short delay m onset and a short durataon of action, that do not cause s~de-effects~ as noted aigove ~3 Skeletal muscle relaxa- taon and deephypnosis (unconsCaousness) are not necessary features of the actaon of these agents, since we have statable relaxant drugs, and deep hypnosis or unconscaousness can be well prowded by mtrous oxide 4 3 Antidotes winch can ensure rapid, smooth recovery to wakefulness and adequate breathing, wxthout provoking nausea, vomltang~ sngezmg, coughing, itching, or circulatory sturbances These drugs should only be used when clearly mdlcated 5 PSYCHIc SEDATION The introduction of drugs which ar~ capable of producing tyanqudhty was a mixed blessing to the anaesthetast Dur ag the past de


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