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华北农学报20 07 , 22 ( 增刊) : 5 15 6 姚 觉, 于晓英, 邱 收, 李 达 ( , 410128) : , , ; ; ( Pro) ( SOD) ( ABA) ; , : ; ; : Q4 1 : A : 1000- 7091( 2007) - 0051- 06 Progress in Research of Drought Resistance Mechanism in Plants YAO Jue, YU X aoy ng, QIU Shou, LI Da ( College of Hort culture and Landscape, Changsha 410128, Ch na) Abstract:Drought affects plant growth ser ously, th s paper ntroduces the plant drought res stance mechan sm and research development n the shape structure of roots; the water content of leaf t ssue, the chang ng of chlorophyll content and caroteno d; osmot c potent al and the act v t es of osmot c regulate mater al, as pral ne( Pro) , superox de d smutase ( SOD) , absc s s c ac d( ABA) and glyc nebeta ne; the advents and affects of regulatory prote ns and funct on prote ns; and drought res stance genet c eng neer ng under drought stress. Key words: Plants; Drought res stance; Drought stress , 3 , ( 2 300 m ) 1/ 4, 13 , , [ 2] [ 3] , Hs ao , , , , , , , , , , [ 1] , [ 4] , : , ( Populus tomentosa) 1 植物形态结构特征对抗旱能力的影响 , , [ 5] 1. 1 3052% , ,


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