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第5卷 第3期 206 中国科技论文在线 Sciencepaper Online 2010 年 3 月 蔗糖酯合成与分析 赵 静,柴成文,李文军 (北京科技大学应用科学学院,北京 100083 ) 摘 要:蔗糖酯是一种高效乳化剂和表面活性剂,在工业上具有广泛的用途。对蔗糖酯的合成和分析方法研究进展进 行综述,其合成方法主要有溶剂法、无溶剂法、微乳化法和酶催化法 4 种。其中溶剂法和酶催化法需用有毒溶剂,限 制了产品在食品等行业的应用;无溶剂法反应温度较高,易产生焦化,产品质量得不到保证;微乳化法以丙二醇或水 代替有毒溶剂,利用乳化剂使反应体系成为近似均相,是无毒高效的生产工艺。介绍薄层色谱、柱层析、高效液相色 谱、红外色谱等在蔗糖酯分析中的应用,并总结了各自的特点。 关键词:蔗糖酯;合成;分析;表面活性剂 中图分类号:TS202.3 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1673-7180(2010)03 -0206 -6 Analysis and synthesis of the sucrose ester Zhao Jing ,Chai Chengwen ,Li Wenjun (Applied Science School , University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing 100083, China) Abstract: Sucrose ester is a highly efficient emulsifiers and surface active agent and has a wide range of applications in the industry. This paper reviews the synthesis and analysis methods of sucrose esters. There are four ways to synthesize sucrose esters: solvent method, non-solvent method, microemulsification method and enzyme catalyst method. Solvent method and enzyme catalyst method involve poisonous solvent which restricts the applications of sucrose esters in food industry. Non-solvent method usually needs high reaction temperature which causes the materials caramelization and lowers the product quality. Microemulsification method is efficient and non-toxic production process. It uses propylene glycol or water as solvent instead of the toxic substances and makes the reaction system similar to be homogenous phase by adding emulsifying agents. The sucrose ester analysis methods are introduced including thin-layer chromatography, column chromatography, high performance liquid ch


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