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第 30 卷第 10A 期 通 信 学 报 Vol.30 No.10A 2009 年 10 月 Journal on Communications October 2009 域间路由协同管理框架 胡宁,朱培栋 ,邹鹏 ,王海龙 ( 国防科学技术大学 计算机学院,湖南 长沙 4 10073) 摘 要:互联 网域间路 由系统 由多个 自治系统互联而成,由于 自治系统独立运营、彼此缺乏 同,导致诸多由路 由引起 的性能、安全和配置 问题 。在总结典型 问题与共性需求的基础上,提 出一种基于多 自治系统 同的域间路 由管理模型—— 同管理框架,从 同形态、机制和应用等方面为 自治系统 同提供共性支持和设计参考,适用 于多种域间路 由 同管理 问题,例如:路 由监测、路 由策略冲突分析和路 由验证等 。 关键词:计算机 网络;域间路 由; 同;网络管理 中图分类号:TP393 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1000-436X(2009) 10A-0154-07 Cooperative management framework for inter-domain routing HU Ning, ZHU Pei-dong, ZOU Peng, WANG Hai-long (Sc ool of Computer, National University of Defense Tec nology, C angs a 410073, C ina) Abstract: Internet inter-domain routing system onsisted of many inter onne ted autonomous systems (ASes) whi h were operated independently. Many routing performan e, se urity and onfiguration problems were aused by the la k of AS ooperation. After summarizing the general problems and fundamental requirements, an inter-domain routing man- agement model based on multiple ASes ooperation was proposed whi h was alled ooperative management framework (CMF). CMF in luded ooperation organization, ooperation me hanism and ooperation appli ation, whi h provided essential support and design referen e to the implementation of AS ooperation and ould be used in many ro


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