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第 29 卷 第 3 期 作 物 学 报 V o l. 29, N o. 3 2003 年 5 月 468~ 472 页 A CTA A GRONOM ICA S IN ICA pp. 468~ 472 M ay, 2003 玉米耐旱系数的多元回归分析 付凤玲 周树峰 潘光堂 杨婉身 荣廷昭 ( 四川农业大学玉米研究所, 四川雅安 625014) 摘 要 利用塑料防雨棚遮挡降水, 在土壤含水量略高于萎蔫系数的干旱条件下, 调查 12 个常用和新近选育的玉米自 交系与耐旱性有关的 15 个生长发育和生理生化指标, 根据其与正常灌水对照的差异计算耐旱系数, 并与籽粒产量耐旱 系数进行多元回归分析。结果表明, 播种出苗期可用出苗率与生物学产量耐旱系数的乘积作为自交系耐旱性鉴定指标, 成株期可用株高、雌雄花期间隔、出叶速度、根重等的耐旱系数预测自交系的耐旱性。 关键词 玉米; 耐旱系数; 多元回归 中图分类号: S513   文献标识码:A M ultiple Regression Ana lysis of D rought Tolerance Coeff ic ien ts in M a ize         FU Feng L ing ZHOU Shu Feng PAN Guang T ang YAN G W an Shen RON G T ing Zhao ( , , , 625014, ) M aiz e R esearch Institu te S ichuan A g ricu ltu ral U niversity Y a’an S ichuan Ch ina Abstract 15 indices of grow th and developm ent, physio logy and biochem istry about drough t to lerance w ere investigated w ith 12 popularized o r new ly bred m aize inbred lines under the drough t condition that w ater con tent of so il w as regulated to a little mo re than w ilting coefficient w ith a p lastic rain shelter to p revent rain . fall D rough t to lerance coefficients w ere calculated based on the difference of the indices w ith the no rm ally irrigated contrast and m ultip le regression analysis w as m ade w ith per p lant kernel yield. T he results indicat ed that the p roduct of drough t to lerance coefficients of em ergence rate and biom ass could be used as the in dex of drough t to lerance identification of inbred lines during seedling stage and that the drough t to lerance i dentification during grow n up period should


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