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26 4 V o l. 26, N o. 4 2006 8 EARTHQUAKE ENG INEER ING AND ENG INEER ING V IBRAT ION A ug. 2006 : 1000- 1301 2006) 04- 0250- 05 1 2 2 3 王 通 , 王 强 , 于长滨 , 王祥林 1. , 150080; 2. , 150080; 3. , 150090) : , , , , , H opk inson , , , , : : ; ; : O 348. 1 : A Study on dynam ic fracture toughness of cem en t rock by experim en talm ethod 1 2 2 3 W ang T ong , W ang Q iang , Y u Changb in , W ang X iang lin 1. A E A D esign C enter, T he Forest D es ign and R esearch In stitu te of H eilongjiang P rovin ce, H arb in 150080, C h ina; 2. College of Phy sical S cience and T echn ology, H eilong jiang U n ivers ity, H arb in 150080, Ch ina; 3. S chool of C ivil Engineering, H arb in In stitu te of T echnology, H arb in 150090, Ch ina) Abs tract: In order to reduce the destroy ing of the cumu lative flow erosion of cem ent ring and mi prove the sealed ce- m ent ing property a t the interface, it is necessary to research the m od ification of the cem ent rock ava ilab le. A ccord- ing to the princ ip le of supercom posite m aterials, w e add various fillers to the ingredients o f cem en t rock. Dynam ic fracture toughness o f the cem ent rock is changed by f illers and the cem ent rock ism ade into a short rod spec mi en. The expermi ent is carr ied out to test the dynam ic fracture toughness o f the cem ent rock w ith d ifferent ing redients by using the sp lit H opk inson pressure bar and som e expermi ental resu lts are g iven. T he dynam ic fracture toughness o f s


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