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合 同 Contract 甲方(聘用单位):山东大学 法定代表人: 张荣 地址: 济南市山大南路27号 邮政编码: 250100 乙方(受聘人员): 身份证件类型及号码: Party A (Employer): Shandong University Legal Representative: Zhang Rong Address: No. 27, Shanda Nanlu, Jinan, 250100 Party B (Employed Professor): Ralf Altmeyer ID type and number: Passport (Germany), C4JH63VY7 山东大学(以下简称甲方)同意聘任 (以下简称乙方)为山东大学特聘教授,从事教学科研工作。为保障甲乙双方的合法权益,根据《中华人民共和国教师法》等有关规定,经双方平等协商,订立本协议: Shandong University (hereinafter referred to as Party A) agreed to appoint (hereinafter referred to as Party B) as Distinguished Professor of Shandong University. Both parties in line with the principles of equality and mutual agreement agree to sign this contract under the “Teachers Law of the Peoples Republic of China”. 第一条 聘期 I. Contract Term 岗位聘期为 年,聘期自 年 月 日至 年 月 日。(全职聘期为五年,兼职聘期为三年) 聘任期满,经双方协商,可以续签协议。 The contract term is years, from , to , . This contract can be renewed upon expiration with the consultations and mutual agreement of both parties. 第二条 乙方的岗位工作目标及任务 Ⅱ Party Bs working objectives and tasks 1.乙方在聘期内应完成的工作目标 1. The working objectives of Party B during the contract term 2.乙方在聘期内应履行的工作任务 2. The working tasks for Party B to perform during the appointment term. 第三条 权利和义务 Ⅲ Rights and Obligations 1. 甲方权利 (1)根据国家有关规定以及特聘教授岗位工作目标及任务,对乙方进行管理。 (2)依照中国法律、法规及学校的有关规定,对乙方进行考核和奖惩。 1. Rights of Party A (1)Party A shall evaluate Party B in accordance with national laws, regulations and relevant provisions of Shandong University. (2)Party A shall conduct performance evaluation, reward and punishment to Party B in accordance with Chinese laws and regulations and relevant provisions of the university. 2.甲方义务 (1)依法维护乙方应享有的各项权利。 (2)为乙方提供良好的工作条件,包括***** (3)为乙方提供完成协议规定的工作目标及任务所需要的校内相关政策。 (4)聘期内为乙方提供学科建设经费 万元,分年度按照乙方提交的预算进行拨付。 2. Obligations of Party A (1)Party A shall safeguard Party B with all rights according to the law. (2)Party A shall provide Party B with good working conditions including**** (3



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