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遂宁市安居区石榴坝集中供水站取水泵站工程设计 摘要 专业:农业水利工程 根据设计资料确定出泵站修建的地址,确定取水泵房的规模。进而通过技术经济综合比较出泵站所选用水泵类型,通过计算确定出泵房以及其附属设施的尺寸,及布置方式,再进行泵房的稳定性验算,根据需要配筋。首先确定出水泵的流量和扬程,选择合适的泵房类型和水泵类型。然后进行进出水管、引水建筑物等的详细设计。对水泵工况点进行校核之后,确定水泵的终选类型。接着对泵房的辅助设备进行具体布置,确定出水泵的安装高程以及泵房的具体尺寸。确定出泵房的具体布置以及尺寸之后,就可以对泵房的稳定性进行验算。达到稳定性要求就可以进行结构计算,算出泵房各结构的钢筋用量以及配筋方式。最后对泵房的施工组织做出简单的介绍。 关键词:取水泵站、离心泵、供水方案。 Abstact According to the design information to determine the address of the pumping station and the size of the pumping station.Comprehensive comparison of the pumping station through the technical and economic choose the type of pump, determined the size of the pumping station and its ancillary facilities, and the layout by calculating,then check the stability of the pumping station, calculate the reinforcement configuration.First, determine the pump flow and head, and select the appropriate type of pumping station and pump type. And then proceed to the detailed design of access to water diversion structures. After checking the pump operating point to determine the ultimate choice type of pump. Followed by the specific arrangement of the pumping station auxiliary equipment to determine the elevation of the pump installation and the specific dimensions of the pumping station. Determine the specific layout and size of the pumping station, checking the stability of the pumping station. Achieve the stability requirements can be carried out structural calculations to calculate the pumping station structure steel consumption and reinforcement. Finally, make a simple introduction. about the pumping station construction organization . Key words: water pumping station, centrifugal pumps, water supply scheme. 目录 1概述 4 1.1 区域水资源概况 4 1.2 地质情况 4 1.3 建筑材料 4 1.4 对外交通、通讯情况 4 1.5 组织机构及配套资金落实情况 5 1.6 群众参与情况 5 2工程建设条件 5 2.1 地形地貌 6 2.2 地质及土壤 6 2.3 气候 6 2.4 水文 6 2.4.1 降水 7 2.4.2 径流 7 2.5 水质 7 2.6 自然植被 8 2.7 水资源状况 8 3工程建设的必要性 9 4站址选择 9 5用水量预测及设计规模 10 6方案选择 12 6.1 泵站基本参数 12 6.2 离心泵方案 13 6.3 潜水泵方案 16 7推荐方案设计 19 7.1 离心泵泵型选择 19 7.2泵房类型选择 19 7.3 泵


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