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桂 林 电 子 科 技 大 学信息科技学院 题 目:半轴端盖工艺分析及夹具设计 系 别:机 电 工 程 系 专 业: 机械设计制造及其自动化 学 号:1053100318 姓 名:丁 飞 指导教师:冯翠云 摘 要 这次设计的是“端盖”,包括零件图,机械加工工艺过程卡片和与工序卡片各一张,它位于车床变速机构中,主要起换档作用,根据零件的性质和零件图上各端面的粗糙度确定毛坯的尺寸和械加工余量,制定该工件的夹紧方案,画出夹具装配图就我个人而言,我希望能通过这次课程设计,了解并认识一般机器零件的生产工艺过程,巩固和加深已学过的技术基础课和专业课的知识,理论联系实际,从中锻炼自己分析问题,为今后的工作打下一个良好的基础,并且为后续课程的学习打好基础Abstract This time I design“ End Cover”, including that the part pursuing , the blank pursues , assembling pursues , the machine work procedure card the working procedure card every sheet .We should know the part very well and know its effect first , it is worked in the organization which is used for change the speed in a lathe, and the mainly role of the part is alter the speed. Then, we design the dimension of the blank and instrument process a margin of the part according to part character and the harshness of each face .Finally, I design the handicrafts route picture of the shift forks, work out the fastening motion scheme being workpieces turn , draw up clamp assembling picture. As far as my individual be concerned, I want to knowing the general productive technology of machine part , consolidating and deepening the knowledge of basic course and specialized course what I have already learned , integrates theory with practice, and improve the ability to solve problems, what’s more , striking the basis for the future work and the following course’s studying . 目录 1.零件的分析 - 2 - 2.工艺规程设计 - 3 - 2.1确定毛坯的制造形式 - 3 - 2.2基面的选择 - 3 - 2.2.1 基准选择原则 - 3 - 2.2.2 基准选择 - 3 - 3. 制订工艺路线 - 3 - 3.1工艺路线方案一 - 4 - 3.2工艺路线方案二 - 4 - 3.3工艺方案的比较与分析 - 4 - 4 机械加工余量?工序尺寸及毛坯尺寸的确定 - 5 - 4.1车外圆及端面 - 5 - 4.2钻孔?32,半精镗?32,精镗?32? - 5 - 4.3 钻孔?16㎜,扩孔?16㎜,铰孔?16㎜ - 5 - 4.4 毛坯制造尺寸及技术要求见毛坯图 - 6 - 5.确定切削用量及基本工时 - 6 - 5.1 工序Ⅲ 车?90mm,车?52mm及端面?? - 6


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