排版欣赏 - what makes a good teacher.ppt

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排版欣赏 - what makes a good teacher

What Makes a Good Teacher? A mediocre teacher tells, A good teacher explains, A superior teacher demonstrates, A great teacher inspires. Top 8 Traits of a Good Teacher: (by Dr.Dorothy Rich) 1 marketing the subject 2 knowing the subject: teaching it with encouragement 3 using a variety of teaching styles 4 building on family and outside-of-school experiences 5 involving students as learning partners 6 collaborating with other adults 7 making sure students know they are cared about What would YOUR #8 be? Are Teachers Born or Made? Can Teaching Be Taught? * Sonya Antropova group 752 My #8: A Good Teacher encourages students to learn for the sake of learning. A Good Teacher ... is made. Teaching is a SKILL. Teaching is a dynamic skill and it needs regular retraining and refreshing. Some Tips for a Good Teacher to Be a Success : SMILE Smile Mention name Interest Listening Empathy CLEAR your mind Conversion Language selection Expression of methodology Attention drawing Reason for communication VOICE what you mean Vocabulary Order of words Intonation Cut out the unwanted Empower REACH the agreement Reinforce Encourage Acknowledge Clarify Highlight A great teacher is a great artist, and you know how few great artists there are in the word. Teaching might be the greatest of the arts. John Steinbeck * * *



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