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摘 要 等离子体是物质存在(固、液、气体)的第四种状态,是由大量带电粒子组成的非束缚状态的宏观体系。日常生活中也随处可见,闪电、霓虹、日光、等离子体电视等都是人们日常能感受得到的等离子体技术。 “等离子体”这门近代物理学始创于二十世纪五十年代,作为迅速发展的新兴学科其低温等离子体、冷等离子体、热等离子体技术已广泛应用于医学、电子、工业、军事及日常生活等众多领域。低温等离子体作为一种高新技术,因其对环保及医学方面的突出贡献,已越来越受到国内外专家学者的关注。等离子电手术刀也应运而生。低温等离子消融技术也因此备受关注,与传统的手术相比,低温等离子消融技术有着微创、精确、方便、安全等特点。现在鼻炎扁桃体腺样体咽喉疾病MOSFET半桥逆变的高频高压电源以特100kHz超低频率电能激发介质(Nacl)产生等离子体。在40~70℃蛋白质可逆变性的温度范围内,靠“等离子体”产生的声波打断分子键,将蛋白质等生物大分子直接裂解成O2,CO2,N2等气体,从而以“微创”的代价完成对组织切割、打孔、消融、皱缩和止血等多种功能。 关键字:低温等离子;UC3842;UC3825;MOSFET半桥逆变 Abstract Plasma is existing material (solid, liquid, gas) of the fourth state, is made of a number of charged particles of the bound the macroscopic system of the state. There are everywhere in daily life, lightning, neon, the sun, and plasma TV. This is people daily can feel of plasma technology. “Plasma” the door of the modern physics, as a rapid development of emerging discipline in the 1950s, the low temperature plasma, cold plasma, hot plasma technology has been widely used in medicine, electronics, industrial, military and daily life and many other fields. Low temperature plasma as a kind of new and high technology, because of the environmental protection and the contribution of the medicine, already more and more get the attention of experts and scholars at home and abroad. Plasma electricity a scalpel also arises at the historic moment. Low temperature plasma ablation technology also got more attention. Compared with traditional surgery, low temperature plasma ablation technology has the characteristic of accurate and convenient with minimally invasive, security and so on. Now the wide range of applications in rhinitis, tonsil, adenoid, throat and other diseases. The design aims to make based on MOSFET half-bridge converter of the high frequency, high voltage power supply in certain low frequency power 100 KHz stimulate medium (Nacl) produce plasma. In 40 ~ 70 ℃ protein reversible degeneration of the temperature range, By plasma generated the sound waves to break molecular


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