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PERIOD 20 │ 基础过关 Ⅰ. 根据汉语意思完成下列句子,每空一词 1. 一些来自附近灌木上的树叶落入了水里。 Some leaves from a nearby bush____ _____ the water. 2. 据说他家已经搬到了黑龙江。 __ ___ ______ his family has moved to Heilongjiang. 3. 小刀是用来切割东西的。 The knives____ ______ ____cutting things. ? 句型专练 fell into is used It said are for PERIOD 20 │ 基础过关 4. 我到那儿时比赛已进行了半个小时。 The match_____ _______ ____for half an hour when I got there. 5. 我需要两张纸在上面写下答案。 I need_____ ________ ____ ________to write down the answers on. 6. 我们等最后一班车将近两个小时了。但它没有露面。 We waited for the last train for nearly two hours. But it didnt________ _____ . had been two paper on pieces of show up PERIOD 20 │ 基础过关 Ⅱ. 句型转换,每空一词 1. We speak Chinese in China.(改为被动语态) ________ ____ ________ in China. 2. He said,“The bus has already gone.”(改为间接引语) He said the bus _____ already______. 3. Tom is so clever that he can answer the question. (改为简单句) Tom is________ ________ ____ answer the question. 4. The bus left and then he got to the bus station.(改为同义句) ____ _____ _______he got to the bus station,the bus _____ already______. Chinese is spoken had gone clever enough to By the time had left PERIOD 20 │ 每日一辨 hard与hardly hard 和hardly 形式上非常相近,但意义截然不同。 (1)hard可作形容词或副词。用作形容词时意为“困难的、硬的、 勤奋的、严厉的、苛刻的”。hard用作副词时,意为“努力地、 猛烈地、剧烈地”。 (2)hardly 是副词,意为“简直不能”,多和can连用,接近 almost not。也可作“几乎没有”解,常和any连用,接近 almost no。 ? 每日一辨 Period 21 Units 11-12, Book 9 PERIOD 21│ 考点突破 考点突破 词汇点睛 1 crowd v.拥挤;充满 n.群;人群 [点拨] crowd为动词,其形容词为crowded“拥挤的”,常用短语为: be crowded with 充满了……;装满了…… a crowd of people 一群人 活学活用 They ________through the door.  他们挤过大门。 crowded PERIOD 21│ 考点突破 2 unfamiliar adj.不熟悉的;陌生的 [点拨] (1)unfamiliar与familiar是一组反义词,un-是否定前缀,一般放在形容词前构成其对应的反义词。 happy—unhappy, healthy—unhealthy, lucky—unlucky, fair—unfair, comfortable—uncomfortable, friendly—unfriendly, usual—unusual… (2)常见搭配:be unfamiliar with“对……不熟悉”(主语为人),be unfamiliar to “对……陌生


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