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教育部 推動人文領域人才培育國際交流計畫 亞太新銳編舞者交流討論會 台灣、澳洲、日本、菲律賓 計畫主持人:吳素君 Wu, Su-Chun 主辦單位:國立臺北藝術大學舞蹈學院 亞太新銳編創討論會 時間:2007 8/19 地點:臺北藝術大學舞蹈學系S7小劇場 主持人:王雲幼 Wang, Yunyu 林亞婷 Lin, Yatin 楊美蓉 Yang, Mei-jung 吳素君 Wu, Su-Chun 演講者:蘇威嘉Su Wei Chia 冴子 Saeko 艾美?司密斯 Aimee Smith 賀伯茲?艾爾法瑞斯 Herbert E. Alvarez 蘇威嘉 Su Wei Chia 國立藝專舞蹈科畢業,現任驫舞劇場團長。2006 年參與驫舞劇場《螺旋》、《一段歷程》編舞,同年率驫舞劇場參加第八屆印尼舞蹈節閉幕式演出,以及兩廳院《水滸傳》肢體指導,2005 年為高雄亞青編舞營創作。 Su Wei Chia Mr. Su graduated from National Taiwan University of the Arts Dance Department. He founded the Mdans Theatre, an all men dance theatre, 2005. The company appeared at the 8th Indonesia Dance Festival closing ceremony. Besides creating works for the company, he was commissioned a new work for the 2005 Kaohsiung Young Choreographer Project. His other credit includes movement design for 2006 National Theatre presented theatre piece, What is Man? 冴子 Saeko 畢業於 Hosei 大學主修英文文學,2002 年曾獲得日本當代舞蹈會所頒的舞者優等獎。1998 年獲得日本政府文化事務處交換學生之獎學金,赴美留學三年,曾擔任紐約各舞團舞者。2001 年回日本後,持續編舞工作。 Saeko Saeko received the First Prize for the dancer in 1997, and the Grand Prize in 2002, from the Contemporary Dance Association of Japan. In 1998, she received the scholarship as an exchange student from the Agency for Cultural Affairs in Japanese Government. Saeko studied and worked as a dancer in some dance companies in NYC from 1998 to 2001. After coming back to Japan, she keeps choreographing pieces, such as “Epoxy”, “Plexiglass---mama, you’re awesome!”, “Duo”, “Lexell’s Comet”, “One”, “Veil”, and “The story about a man who could not become back to fish”, which got a great critics from the Music and Dance Paper. 艾美?司密斯 Aimee Smith 西澳表演藝術學院舞蹈系第一屆優秀畢業生,就學期間赴德國參與四校連演林懷民先生的作品《薪傳》,畢業後以表演和創作為專職,足跡遍佈澳洲、歐洲與美洲。司密斯的創作獲得肯定,曾為世界舞蹈聯盟亞太分會委任編舞。 Aimee Smith Aimee Smith began dancing with STEPS Youth Dance Company as a teenager and went on to study at the Western Australian Academy of Performing Arts (BA Honours 2002 - 2004). Most recently Aimee has perf


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