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天水至麦积山二级公路 设 计 说 明 书 院 系:土木工程学院 专业班级:交通土建01-2班 姓 名:彭俊杰 学 号:30号 指导教师:李壮文 日 期:2005.6 天水至麦积山二级公路设计 摘要 本设计为天水至麦积山二级公路设计,该道路路线全长约2600m,其经过地区主要为山岭重丘,要完成的内容主要有道路的选线、平纵面设计以及横断面设计,路基路面结构设计。通过对远景交通量的推算确定了道路的等级以及道路设计的各个技术指标,同时通过对当地地形、气候、水文、地质等状况的深入调查,为公路路线方案的比选准备了原始材料,确定了线路的平面位置。并且本设计对方案进一步细化,对路线的平面和纵断面进行了综合分析,根据技术标准及当地实际情况确定了路基宽度、高度及边坡坡度并且对路面材料、横断面布置、曲线超高及加宽的设置做了精心设计。 在对主体工程(路基、路面工程)认真设计的基础上,本设计对道路工程的附属设施进行了周密的布置,先后进行了排水、边坡、护坡、挡土墙及涵洞的优化设计,同时在方案比选的过程中认真编制了工程概预算,强调了环保的重要性,为工程的进一步设计与施工打下了坚实的基础。 本设计还总结了自己的心得,这是四年来学习的一次很好的总结,能够将理论和实际有机的结合起来,为今后的工作与深造打下了坚实基础。 关键词: 圆曲线;路基;路面;排水;挡土墙;涵洞 The design of classⅡhighway from Tianshui to Maijishan Abstract This design names the Tianshui-Maijishan class Ⅱ design of highway, the total length about 2600m of this road of routes, it is mainly a heavy mound in the mountain ridge through the area, the content that will be finished has selecting line , flat vertical designs and cross section to be designed of a road mainly, road surface structural design of road bed. calculate the application which has confirmed the class of highway and technical standard according to the volume of traffic, pass such the investigating further of the state as local topography , climate , hydrology , geology ,etc. correctly at the same time , for selecting to prepare the firsthand material of scheme of the highway. Fix up after fixing the level of the circuit. And it is thinning further to the scheme to originally design ,has done the rational choice to the level of the circuit and vertical section, have confirmed the width of road bed according to the technical standard and local actual conditions , and slope and material , cross section assign, curve superelevation and establishment that widenned design meticulously to road surface highly. On the basis of designing to the major project (road bed , road surface project ) conscientiously, have originally designed and carried on the careful arrangement to the affiliated facility of road engineering, opt


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