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源程序代码等全套设计联系QQ 174320523 各专业都有 分类号:TP311.1 U D C:D10621-408-(2007)5915-0 密 级:公 开 编 号:2003032027 成都信息工程学院 学位论文 一个简单的即时通讯工具的设计与开发 论文作者姓名: 寇建波 申请学位专业: 网络工程 申请学位类别: 工学学士 指导教师姓名(职称): 何林波 论文提交日期: 2007年06月10日 一个简单的即时通讯工具的设计与开发 摘 要 即时通讯(Instant Messaging)是目前Internet上最为流行的通讯方式,各种各样的即时通讯软件也层出不穷;服务提供商也提供了越来越丰富的通讯服务功能。Java是当前比较流行的开发语言之一,它有着自己的易用特点与性能优势,Java语言和J2EE规范设计了一个即时通讯工具JICQ (Java for I seek you),并对其体系结构、构成模块及系统关键技术进行了分析UML和面向对象的分析、设计方法,并使用Rose作为建模工具;本系统基于j2se1.5,j2ee1.4,使用Eclipse等作为开发工具,在开发过程中用到了时下流行的重构开发方法,优化了系统的设计。力图使系统具有安全、高效、实用、支持等特点。 Design and Development of a Simple Instant Communication Tool Abstract Instant Message is currently the most popular way to communicate on the Internet,so various Instant Messaging software are continuously appearing; Service providers offer more and more communication service nowadays. Java programming language (Java 2 Standard Edition) is one of popular programming languages. With its features of cross-platform, security, multi-threaded capability, Socket Programming, data flow concepts and so on, Java has its own distinctive and functional advantages. Therefore, based on the research and analysis of LinuxQQ, with the Java language and J2EE, this paper designs an instant messenger—JICQ (Java for I seek you), and then analyzes its architecture, modules, as well as its key technologies. During the design and modeling process of instant messenger system, the UML and method of object-oriented analysis and design are used. Furthermore, the modeling tool of Rose is included. Based on the system j2se1.5, j2ee1.4, the Eclipse development tool in the development process, and refactoring development method, the system design is optimized. Due to these factors, the system is safe, efficient and practical in different operating system platforms. Key words: instant message; multithreaded; socket program; JSP 目 录 论文总页数:30页 1 引言 0 1.1 项目开发背景 0 1.1.1 项目背景 0 1.1.2 技术背景 0 1.2 该系统设计的意义 0 2相关理论及


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