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28 10 V ol128 N o1 10
2009 10 FEN X I CESH I XU EBAO ( Journal of Ins trum en tal A naly s s) 1206~ 1209
周艳明, 韩 瑜, 田宏哲, 陈 柏
( , 11016 1)
: - ( LC - ES IM S) - -
, , SCX , LC - ESI M S ,
, , , 010 3~ 10 mg /L
, (R 2 ) 01 999 1, 01 02 m g / kg
: ; ; -
: O 65717; TQ 423112 1 : A : 1004 - 4957 ( 2009) 10 - 1206- 04
do: 101 3969 / j1 ssn1 1004 - 495712009110102 1
D eter m nat on of Chlorm equat R es dues n Fru ts by H gh P erfor m ance
L qu d Chrom atography - M ass Spectrom etry
ZHOU Y an-m ng, HAN Y u, T IAN H ong- zhe, CHEN B a
( A na lyt ca l Center, Shenyang A gr cultura lU n ve rs ty, Shenyang 110161, Ch na)
Abstract: A h gh perform ance l qu d chrom atograph c( HPLC ) m ethod coup led w th e lectrospray on-
zat on m ass spectrom etry( ESIM S) detect on w as deve loped for ch lo rm equat n fru ts. T he pest c de
w as extracted from sam ples w th m ethano l- w ater- acet c ac d. A fter centr fugat on, the extract w as
cleaned up on a SPE- SCX co lum n. Ch lorm equat w as qual tat vely ana lyzed by u s ng retent on t m e
and character st c on, and quan t tat ve ly determ ned by LC - ESI M S w th ex terna l m ethod. Under
the opt m al cond t ons, there w as a good l near ty n the range of 0103 - 10 mg /L for ch lorm equat
w th a correlat on coeff c ent of 01999 1. The quan t tat ve lm t for ch lo rm equat w as dow n to 0102
m g / kg. The estab l shed m etho