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各个地方的年俗 京 津 北京:除夕老理儿一箩筐 除夕,我们一群晚辈要叩拜尊长,也叫辞岁。 On the eve of the Spring Festival, we younger generations kowtowed to the seniors showing respect. 除夕最甜美的记忆与已去世的奶奶有关。 My late grandma remains part of my best memory for the last day of each last lunar month. 小时候,她总让我将芝麻秸从院内屋门口一直铺到大门,家人出入,踩踏上 面,嘎嘎作响,这叫踩岁,寓踩去旧岁迎新岁。 She asked me to put on the ground dried sesame straw, which would stretch across the court yard from the house door to the inner gate. The whole family could thus step on the crispy straw, a symbol that we were saying goodbye to the old year and welcoming in the New Year. 当然,除夕的高潮是年夜饭后长辈发压岁钱 ! The most exciting moment of the annual evenings was when the seniors presented luck money to the children after the midnight supper. 天津:年二十九贴吊钱儿 我对于年的记忆,是从年二十九贴 吊钱儿开始的。 I didnt have any idea of the Spring Festival as a child until I was struck by the Tianjin-style paper-cutting art work. 吊钱儿贴在窗玻璃或横棱上,风一吹,下面的流苏就会随风飘舞,意在把祝 福、金钱一起吹进门窗里。 On 29th of the last lunar month, my family members pasted on windows or window frames the paper-cuts, the lower parts of which – like tassels – would wave in the wind and thus send out the message that the wind was blowing in good wishes as well as money. 初五之前,每天睁开双眼,最先看到的就是这些花花绿绿的吊钱儿,这就是年 的感觉! Over the next few days until the 5th day of the first lunar month, these colorful paper-cuts would always be the first thing I saw as I woke up in the morning, reminding me to enjoy the happy festival. 民俗 津味民俗的首个关键词就是吊钱儿。吊钱儿,源于剪纸艺术,用一张长方形的 红纸剪成花纹图案,并写有恭喜发财之类的吉祥语,其下部形似流苏。吊钱 儿与掉钱谐音,寄托了人们希望来年财源滚滚的愿望。 山 东 烟台:供奉猪头祭祀海神 姥姥的娘家是渔民,在烟台。 My grandma grew up in a fishing village in Yantai. 去年正月十三回去刚好赶上渔灯节祭海神,每家都开着小皮卡前往海边,车头 放着猪头或是自家打的最大的鱼,车上还载着用红木食盒装好的各色祭品及鞭 炮。 I happened to witness the local Fishing Lantern Festival – a ritual for sea gods– when I visited the village last Spring Festival. On the 13th day of the 1st lunar month, each family drove a compact pickup loaded with sacrifices and firecrackers towar


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