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中国水稻科学 Chi nese J R ice S ci , 2008 , 22 4 :399 ~404
ht tp :/ / www . ricesci . cn 399
镉胁迫对不同水稻品种种子萌发 、幼苗生长和淀粉酶活性的
1 1 2 , 2 ,
何俊瑜 任艳芳 朱 诚 蒋德安
( 1 贵州大学 农学院 , 贵州 贵阳 550025 ; 2 浙江大学 生命科学学院 , 浙江 杭州 3 10058 ; 通讯联系人 , Email : gzdx2006 @126 . com)
Eff ect s of Cadmium St re ss on Seed Ger mination , Seedling Growt h , and A myla se Activitie s in
1 1 2 , 2 ,
H E J unyu , R EN Yanfang , ZHU Cheng , J IAN G Dean
( 1 Col leg e of A g ricul t ure , Guiz hou Uni vers i ty , Guiy ang 550025 , Chi na; 2 Col leg e of L if e S ciences , Z hej i ang Uni vers ity , H angz hou
3 10058 , Chi na; Corresp on d i ng aut hor , Em ai l : gz d x2 006 @12 6 . com
Abstract : Two rice varieties , Xiu shui 110 wit h high Cd tolerance and Xiu shui 11 wit h low Cd toler ance were u sed to st udy
t he effect s of cadmium ( Cd) st ress on seed ger mination , seedling growt h and amyla se activities . The low cadmium concent ra
tion had lit tle effect on ger mination rat e . However , cadmium st r ess could significantly inhibit plumule and radicle growt h , es
p ecially for radicle growt h . Ger mination index , vigour index , radicle lengt h and amyla se activities of Xiu shui 11 decreased
more significantly wit h t he ri sing cadmium level comp ared wit h Xiu shui 110 . And t he cadmium cont ent in seedlings of Xiu shui
11 wa s higher t han t hat in Xiu shui 110 when t he cadmium concent ration exceeded 5 mol/ L , which cau sed lower mitotic index
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