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Advances in Geosciences 地球科学前沿, 2017, 7(6), 751-762
Published Online December 2017 in Hans. /journal/ag
Research and Application of ShakeMap in
Fujian Region
Shicheng Wang, Yongxiang Wei, Shuilong Li
Fujian Earthquake Agency, Fuzhou Fujian
th th th
Received: Nov. 14 , 2017; accepted: Nov. 29 , 2017; published: Dec. 6 , 2017
ShakeMap developed by Wald et al. is an open source, free and real-time Rapid Seismic Intensity
Reporting System can automatically generate products such as peak ground motion maps(peak
ground acceleration map and peak ground velocity map), Intensity Instrumental distribution map
and so on, which can give scientific basis for emergency rescue work after an earthquake. Based
on the ShakeMap, we recompiled and installed it on the local operating system, and used the for-
mer research results on ground motion attenuation and instrumental intensity calculation
founded by domestic scientists to replace the internal equations, to obtain the real ground motion
products. Furthermore, the content of ShakeMap products are showed in English, which makes the
products very difficult to receive and understand for the domestic public and very hard for infor-
mation spreading, so we localized the content of maps, web pages and E-mail notifications to make
those easy understanding and elevated the value of the system. In the end, we used the reformed
ShakeMap in Fujian region and took the Xianyou earthquake that is M4.8 occurred in 4th, Sep-
tember, 2013 in Fujian Province as an example to show the feasibility and limitation of the re-
formed ShakeMap used in Fujian region. From the application we h
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