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当CEO也要看面相?Duke University researchers, in connection with the National Bureau of Economic Research, have found that CEOs are perceived to have more competent faces than non-CEOs. The Duke researchers also concluded that people responded more favorably to the faces of CEOs from large companies than from small business. 杜克大学与美国国家经济研究局(National Bureau of Economic Research)联合进行的研究发现,首席执行长(CEO)的脸比普通人看上去更有能力。杜克研究人员还得出结论,相比小公司CEO的脸,人们更喜欢大公司CEO的脸。 Another interesting finding from the 20report: that baby-faced CEOs received lower competence scores than more-mature looking CEOs and tended to be paid less, though on the plus side, the baby facers got higher likability ratings. 这份20页的报告还有另外一个有趣的发现:有着娃娃脸的CEO比长相更成熟的CEO的能力得分要低,收入也往往要低,不过好处是,娃娃脸CEO获得的讨喜评分更高。And yet, we find no evidence that the firms of competent looking CEOs perform better, the study concludes. Essentially, the look of competence says very little about effective competence. 不过研究得出结论,我们没有发现有证据显示外表看起来有能力的CEO领导的公司业绩会更好。实际上,外表看上去的能力无法体现实际能力。In fact, a 1995 study in Personality Social Psychology Bulletin, which was cited in the Duke study, showed that baby faced people, judged to be less competent, tend to be more intelligent. 实际上,1995年《个性与社会心理学通报》(Personality Social Psychology Bulletin)上发表的一项研究显示,娃娃脸的人虽然让人感觉能力不足,却往往更聪明。杜克的研究援引了《个性与社会心理学通报》的研究结果。The Duke study, which was published in March, asked students from Duke and University of North Carolina, to examine photographs about 1,500 CEOs. (To assure accuracy from a data set comprised of the N.C. antagonists, the researchers explained in a footnote, The email to University of North Carolina students was sent from our email addresses to avoid any Duke/UNC rivalry effects and to maximize the response rate.) 杜克的研究发表于3月份。该研究请杜克大学和北卡罗来纳大学的学生仔细观察了约1,500名CEO的照片。(研究人员在脚注中解释说,为了确保北卡罗来纳大学学生构成的数据组的准确性,给北卡罗来纳大学学生的电子邮件是从我们的电子邮件地址发出去的,以避免杜克大学和北卡罗来纳大学之间竞争带来的影响、获得最大的回应率。)So does any of this really matter? Well, yes. As superficial as it sounds, the research does hold up. 那么,研究结果真的重



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