语言学基本内容 概念精选.ppt

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语言学基本内容 概念精选

第一单元1 Design features of language:arbitrariness, duality, creativity, displacement. 2. Functions of language:Informative, Interpersonal(人际-), Performative施为-, Emotive, Phatic communion寒暄语,Recreational,Metalinguistic元语言功能 3 Main branches of linguistics:Phonetics(speech sounds)语音学/Phonology音系学/Morphology: (words)形态学/Syntax: (structures of sentences)句法学/Semantics语义学/Pragmatics语用学 Language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human communication. Important distinction in linguistics: Descriptive (native) vs prescriptive/ Synchronic共时 diachronic studies历时/Langue vs parole/ Competence vs performance~运用/ 第二单元1 Phonetics divisions: Articulatory phonetics/Acoustic phonetics/Auditory phonetics 2 trachea 气管/vocal folds (cords)声带:/glottis声/epiglottis会厌/hard palate硬颚/ velum软颚/uvula小舌/alveolar ridge 齿/labium唇/larynx喉/pharynx咽 3 obstruction of the air stream in the production of- 4 IPA/stop (plosive)爆破音 nasal鼻音 fricative摩擦音 affricate破擦音 bilabial唇音 labio-dental唇齿音 alveolar齿龈音 velar 软腭音 uvular小舌音 RP 标准发音GA 通用美国英语 coarticulation协同发音 aspirated送气音 phoneme 音位 minimal pairs最小对立体 allophone音位变体 assimilation 同化 unvoiced清音 epenthesis syllable structure音节结构 open/closed syllable开音节 stress重音intonation语调 tone音调 Consonants 1)Manners of articulation: stop/fricative…2) Places of articulation/ bilabial, dental, alveolar…3) Voicing: voiced vs voiceless or unvoiced 4) Nasal vs oral: /m/, /n/, /?/ vs other consonants 5) Lateral vs central: /l/ Vowels is produced without obstruction of air in the pronunciation of vowels 1) The part of the tongue that is raised: front /i:/, central /?/, back / ɑ / 2) The height of the tongue: high, mid, low; closed /i:/, half closed /e/, half open /ε/, open /a/ 3) The degree of lip rounding: rounded /u:/, unrounded /i:/ 4) Monophthong vs diphthong or pure vowels vs glidings: /a/, /au/ 5) Long vs short vowels or tense vs lax vowels: /i:/, /I/ 3 WORD --Open/Closed-class封闭/开放类词words whose membership is fixed (infinite) or


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