课件-新视野预备级1-Unit 6精选.ppt

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New Horizon College English Pre-band 1 ;Section A Alfred Nobel: A Man of Peace; Study the passage and analyze the language points;I Warm-up Activities Pre-reading Questions: Do you often help others? How do you feel when you do that? Background Information Mother Teresa: 特里莎修女(1910-1997),在加尔各答设立了许多服务所,救济贫民、残疾人和重病患者,于1979年获得诺贝尔和平奖。;II Text Instruction Language Points: i) Key Words, Phrases and Structures 1. variety: n. [C] a different form or kind 种类 ---This fruit is a ~ of orange. ---They grow fourteen different varieties of roses. [C; U] difference in quality, type, or character 多样化 ---I don’t like to eat the same food very often. I like variety. ---He doesn’t like the present job because it doesn’t have variety.?;2) ask if sb. would like sth. or give sb. the opportunity to have sth. 给予;提供......机会 ---I must offer them an apology for not going to the party. ---He has been offered a job in Beijing. n. [C] a statement offering to do sth. or give sth. to sb.提议 ---They refused our offer of help. ---Thank you for your kind offer..; 2. share v. n. v. share sth. with sb. 1) have, use or do sth. with another person or with other people分 享;共用 ---She shared her chocolate with her friend. ---We shared the bread among the four of us. ---There is only one bathroom so we’ll have to share. 2) tell sb. about sth.告诉 ---It’s always good to share your worries and problems. n. [C] a part or amount of sth. that has been divided among several people 一份 ---With my share of the money, I opened a shop. ---Here is your share of the food.;3. imagine v. imagination n. 1) make a picture of sth. in one’s mind想象 ---You can imagine my surprise when I saw her in the street. ---Try to imagine you’re all alone in that room. think that sth. will happen or that sth. is true设想;猜想 ---I imagine that she will come by car. ---He imagines that people don’t believe him.


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