Lecture 5 English-Chines Interpretation for Ceremonial Speech 语言学课件.ppt

Lecture 5 English-Chines Interpretation for Ceremonial Speech 语言学课件.ppt

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Lecture 5 English-Chines Interpretation for Ceremonial Speech 语言学课件

Lecture 5 English-Chines Interpretation for Ceremonial Speech 故地重游 愉悦之旅 新的长征 共创未来 故地重游 Revisiting the Old Haunt We have acquired a keen sense of the diversity, dynamism, and progress of China under your policies of reform and opening to the outside world. 在改革开放政策引导下的中国,气象万千,充满活力,不断进步,这些我们都已强烈地感受到了。 During that time we never experienced anything other than the utmost courtesy and genuine friendship of the Chinese people. 在那段时期中,我们所感受到的总是中国人民的高度礼貌和诚挚友情。 Sentences in focus Events of the past decade have confirmed time and time again that our friendship and cooperation will continue to flourish and yield more fruits in the days to come. 过去的l0年一再证明,我们之间的友谊与合作将在未来持续发展并结出更多的果实。 Sentences in focus While we are not so naive as to believe that there are no issues of difference between us, I also believe that our differences are greatly overshadowed by issues which bind us and strengthen our relationship. 一方面我们不会天真地认为,我们之间不存在着分歧,另一方面,我也认为,那些将我们联系在一起并且强化我们关系的事务,在很大程度上淡化了我们之间的差异。 Next passage….. 愉悦之旅? A Pleasant Trip I have had an excellent opportunity to renew old friendships and establish new contacts. 这使我有极好的机会重温旧情, 结交新友。 we established our friendly and cooperative relations on the understanding that we would develop our friendship on the basis of mutual respect and equality, and mutual benefit. 我们过去建立友好合作关系时是基于这样一种认识,即我们要在相互尊重和平等互利的基础上发展我们的友谊 Sentences in focus Chinas support is a constant source of encouragement to us in the pursuit of the goals of developing and maintaining the independence of our country. 中国的支持始终鼓励着我们去追求发展与保持我国独立的目标。 I look forward, in the next few days, to the opportunity of learning something from your endeavors and experience in promoting economic and social development in the service of your people. 我期待在今后的几天里有机会向你们学习,从你们为造福贵国人民而促进经济和社会发展的奋斗和经验中学到一些东西。 Next passage….. 新的长征?? A New Long March free of outside interference gracious and eloquen


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