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Psyche Selling for Sales Performance Optimizer 销售攻心术 – 如何优化销售业绩 What are some of the biggest challenges you face in doing sales? 您在从事销售时,最大的困惑及挑战是什么? How would you overcome? 你将如何克服? What is S.A.L.E.S? 什么是销售? S – Seek and qualify 寻找合适的客户 A – Ask critical questions, and demonstrate your value to them 提问关键问题,并体现价值 L – Listen and learn their buying behaviour 聆听以了解对方的购买方式 E – Ease concerns to close sale 解除顾虑以完成销售 S - Service and follow through 服务与跟进 What is S.A.L.E.S? 什么是销售? S – Seek and qualify 寻找合适的客户 Understanding the Customer’s Mindset 了解客户的心态 Salesman A 销售员 A: Very humble 很谦卑 Full compliance to his customers’ whims and fancies对客户千依百顺、唯命是从 Always diligent when working for his customers为客户做事从不怠慢 Salesman B 销售员 B: Very confident 非常自信 Give guidance to the way of thinking of his customers引导客户思想方式 Only do meaningful things for his customers and refuse anything that does not bring benefits 只为客户做有意义的事情,而不干那些效益较低的活 知己知彼,百战不殆 Know Thyself and Thy Enemy, A Hundred Battles Fought and Not Imperil Any What is the Value of Water? 水 值多少钱? What do Your Customers Value? 你的客户会珍惜什么价值呢? A Value is NOT a Real Value UNLESS the Customer Wants It! 客户所不惜的就不是真正的价值 How can a Sales Person be of Value to Customers? 销售员要怎样才能给客户提供价值? How can a Sales Person be of Value to Customers? 39% of a customer’s decision to buy from your company is based on the effectiveness of the sales representative 39%的顾客是因为销售人员的表现而决定购买的 Help customers define their problems and help solve them 帮助客户锁定问题所在并给于解决 Help customers make informed choices 帮客户做明智的选择 Help customers resolve concerns about the purchase 帮助客户解决购买的顾虑 Help smoothen the purchasing process 帮助协调购买过程 Help smoothen the implementation process 帮助协调购买后的执行过程 The Most Important Characteristic of a Sales Professional专业销售人员最为重要的特征 Sincerity and Integrity 诚信 多算胜少算,而况于无算乎! If You Fail to Plan, You Plan to Fail! 胜兵先胜而后求战 败兵先战而后求胜 The victorious army plans for victory before fighting The vanquished army fights before planning for victory Why Plan? 为什么要作计划? “In prepar


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