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DNA的复制 遗传信息传递的 中心法则 DNA分子可以进行自我复制(Selfreplication),产生两个相同的DNA分子,从而将遗传信息由亲代准确地传给子代。这种以亲代DNA分子为模板合成两个完全相同的子代DNA分子的过程称为复制(Replication) 。 DNA复制的基本要点 半保留复制(Semi-conservative replication)由亲代DNA生成子代DNA时,每个新形成的子代DNA中,一条链来自亲代DNA,而另一条链则是新合成的,这种复制方式称半保留复制。  实验证据(1958 Meselson 和Stahl ): 复制起始点 ( Oric 、ARS)、方向和方式 复制的方向 半不连续性 引物和模板 引发、引发体 链的延伸和终止 复制忠实性的保证 Figure 12.10 An ARS extends for ~50 bp and includes a consensus sequence (A) and additional elements (B1-B3). The origin (ARS) consists of the A consensus sequence and three B elements (see Figure 12.10). The ORC complex of 6 proteins (all of which are coded by essential genes) binds to the A and adjacent B1 element. The transcription factor ABF1 binds to the B3 element 双链环状、θ型复制、双向等速 DNA复制的其它方式 滚环型: 单向复制的特殊方式 如:ΦΧ174的双链环状DNA复制型(RF) Figure 12.16 The rolling circle generates a multimeric single-stranded tail. Figure 12.34 Replication of ColE1 DNA is initiated by cleaving the primer RNA to generate a 3-OH end. The primer forms a persistent hybrid in the origin region. This is commonly used in replication of cellular DNA, and by some viruses. Figure 13.5 Nick translation replaces part of a pre-existing strand of duplex DNA with newly synthesized material. A primer terminus is generated within duplex DNA. The most common mechanism is the introduction of a nick, as used to initiate rolling circle replication. In this case, the pre-existing strand is displaced by new synthesis. (Note the difference from nick translation shown in Figure 13.5, in which DNA polymerase I simultaneously synthesizes and degrades DNA from a nick.) Figure 12.15 Adenovirus terminal protein binds to the 5 end of DNA and provides a C-OH end to prime synthesis of a new DNA strand. Figure 13.14 Replication is halted by a damaged base or nick in DNA. when there is damage to a base in the DNA or a nick in one strand. In either case, DNA synthesis is halted, and the replication fork is either stalled or disrupted. Figure 13.15 The primosome is requ



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