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2011年考研英语小作文冲刺急训之申请信 距离最后的考试只有近两个月的时间,最后的冲刺序幕正式拉开。英语复习到这个阶段,最重要的就是作文。要想在最后的考试成绩中脱颖而出,现阶段就必须要把精力放在分值占在30分的写作上。   考研英语中大作文的要求是内容切题、表达清楚、文字连贯、句式多变和语言规范。小作文考察点在信息点的覆盖、语言的准确性、文章组织的连贯性上。   其中小作文占10分,分为求职信、祝贺信、道歉信、询问信、推荐信、感谢信、邀请信、辞职信等等二十多种应用文。每个类别都有相对固定的语言模式,都有固定词语要求。   申请信主要用于申请奖学金、求学、申请出国签证等,这些申请往往通过申请信来请求。   写作“三步走”:   申请的具体内容和缘由→自己的情况和条件→提出要求,如回信、面试等等。   注意:   第一,语气要诚挚友好千万不要表现出强求的意思;第二,对于申请的内容和原因一定要写得非常清楚;第三,尽管不能表现出强求的意思,但是期望得到的心情一定要表达出来。   范文解析:   Directions : You are a college student and want to get an editorial position with a newspaper. Write a letter to Prof. Li, who is your teacher this semester, to ask him to write a recommendation letter for you to the newspaper to state your condition.   Write the letter with no less than 100 words. Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use “Wang Hua” instead. Do not write the address.   Dear Prof. Li,   I am writing to you for a letter of recommendation. I hope you could still remember me, Wang Hua, a student in your class this semester. My final paper received an A from you.   I have applied for an editorial position with a newspaper office, which asks for three letters of recommendation. I would be very much obliged if you could write one for me. It will be better if the letter includes your understanding of my aptitude for writing and editing. My enclosed resume is for your reference in writing the letter.   Please use the attached stamp, envelope and address to mail your letter directly to the office.   Thank you again for your time on this matter.   Sincerely yours,   Wang Hua   常用句式   1、I beg to apply for…   特此申请……   2、I would like to apply for admission to your college.   我想申请进入贵校。   3、I am very much interested in going abroad to obtain an advanced degree in the field of…   我对出国留学攻读……学位很感兴趣。   4、I shall be mush obliged if you will be so kind as to help me accomplish my long-cherished wish.   如果您能帮我实现这一梦寐以求的愿望,本人将不胜感激。   5、I should be very much obliged if you could grant my application.   如果能批准我的申请,我将万分感谢


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