国际结算 教学课件 Chapter 3.ppt

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国际结算 教学课件 Chapter 3

Chapter 3 Part 1: Bill of Exchange 定义 汇票样本 要素(9) Essentials of a bill of exchange 汇票的基本项目(必要项目) The word “Exchange”汇票字样 An unconditional order in writing无条件支付命令 Name and address of the drawee付款人名称地址 Drawer’s signature(s)出票人签名 Date and place of Issue出票时间地点 Name or business entity of the payee 收款人名称 Tenor 付款期限 Place of payment 付款地点 Amount 金额 Unconditional? 附带条件的支付命令( 如货与合同相符) 使用一种特殊资金去支付的命令 命令连接着发生交易的称述 收款人名称: 1.限制性抬头: Pay to John Davids only Pay to John Davids not transferable 2. 指示性抬头: Pay to the order of ABC Co. 3.来人抬头 Pay to the bearer 计算到期日 a.“At ____ days after sight/date” 算尾不算头; 期之末日付款; 假日顺延; At 60 days after sight, acceptance date is 15, May. 计算到期日 b. “At _____month(s) after sight/date” 月为日历月; 月之同日为到期日, 无同日即月之末日; 假日顺延。 3.2.3 Acts of bill of Exchange Issuance 出票 Endorsement 背书 Presentment 提示 Acceptance 承兑 Payment 付款 Dishonor 退票 Notice of Dishonor 退票通知 Protest 拒绝证书 Right of recourse 追索权 Acceptance for honor (supra protest) 参加承兑 Payment for honor (supra protest )参加付款 Guarantee 担保或保证 Discounting 贴现 2.Endorsement 背书 Prerequisites 必备条件 Sign by the endorser on the back of the bill Made for the whole amount of the draft Endorsement Blank endorsement 空白背书 Special endorsement 特别背书 Restrictive endorsement限制背书 Conditional endorsement 带有条件背书 .Blank endorsement 空白背书又称不记名背书,即不记载被背书人名称,只有背书人的签字。 当汇票经空白背书后,交付转让给一个不记名的受让人,他与来人抬头汇票的来人相同,可以不需背书,仅凭交付再行转让。 因为受让人没有在汇票背面签字,所以对汇票不承担责任。 The payee’s London Office want to transfer the bill to Bank of New Zealand,Auckland, please make a blank endorsement. Special endorsement 特别背书又称记名背书,需要记载“支付给被背书人名称的指定人”字样,并经背书人签字。 Having made an endorsement in blank, the holder send the bill to Bank of New Zealand,Auckland, who wishes to convert this blank endorsement into a special endorsement to themselves. Restrictive endorsement Pa


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