土木工程专业英语课件 Lesson 3 Components of A Building 建筑物的组成.ppt

土木工程专业英语课件 Lesson 3 Components of A Building 建筑物的组成.ppt

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土木工程专业英语课件 Lesson 3 Components of A Building 建筑物的组成

Lesson 3 Components of A Building 建筑物的组成 New words and phrases: 4. surpass 超过,胜过 (1) To be beyond the limit, powers, or capacity of 超过权限、权力或能力 (2) To be or go beyond as in degree or quality 在程度或质量上胜过或超过 5. exterior 外部的,外面的 反义词--interior 内部的 ex-表示“由...出来, 自”之义 如:ex-president 前任总统 14. conceal 隐蔽、隐瞒 conceal sth. from sb. 对某人隐瞒某事 如: He concealed his real motives from me. The skyscraper, owes its existence to two developments of the 19th century:steel skeleton construction and the passenger elevator. 摩天大楼的出现得益于19世纪的两大发展 :钢结构建筑和载人电梯。 Steel as a construction material dates from the introduction of the Bessemer converter in 1855. 钢材作为一种建筑材料是始于1855年贝色麦转炉炼钢法的引入。 Gustave Eiffel (1832-1923) introduce steel construction in France. Gustave Eiffel将钢结构引入法国。 His designs for the Galerie des Machines and the Tower for the Paris Exposition of 1889 expressed the lightness of the steel framework. 1889年巴黎展览会的塔和他为Galerie des 机械的设计表现了钢结构的灵活性。 The Eiffel Tower, 984 feet (300 meters) high, was the tallest structure built by man and was not surpassed until 40 years later by a series of American skyscrapers. 埃非尔铁搭高达300m,是当时人类修建的最高的结构,直到40年后,其高度才被美国的一系列的摩天大楼超过。 The first elevator was installed by Elisha Otis in a department store in New York, in 1857. 第一部电梯是由Elisha Otis在1857年安装在纽约的一座百货公司里。 In 1889, Eiffel installed the first elevators on a grand scale in the Eiffel Tower, whose hydraulic elevators could transport 2,350 passengers to the summit every hour. 1889年,埃非尔首次在埃非尔铁塔上安装大型升降机,这种液压式升降机每小时可以运送2350位乘客到最高点。 Until the late 19th century, the exterior walls of a building were used as bearing walls to support the floors. 直到19世纪晚期,建筑物外墙被用作支承楼板的承重墙。 This construction is essentially a post and lintel type, and it is still used in frame construction for houses. 这种建筑本质上就是柱和过梁的组合类型,它仍然被用在房屋的框架结构中。 Bearing-wall construction limited the height


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