基础心理学教学课件- 第1章 绪论.ppt

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基础心理学教学课件- 第1章 绪论

* * 见维基百科/wiki/巴納姆效應 The Forer effect/Barnum statements Barnum statements (named after P.T. Barnum, the American showman) are statements that seem personal, yet apply to many people.[3] And while seemingly specific, such statements are often open-ended or give the reader the maximum amount of wiggle room in a reading. They are designed to elicit identifying responses from people. The statements can then be developed into longer and more sophisticated paragraphs and seem to reveal great amounts of detail about a person. The effect relies in part on the eagerness of people to fill in details and make connections between what is said and some aspect of their own lives (often searching their entire lifes history to find some connection, or reinterpreting the statement in any number of different possible ways so as to make it apply to themselves). A talented and charismatic reader can sometimes even bully a subject into admitting a connection, demanding over and over that they acknowledge a particular statement as having some relevance and maintaining that they just arent thinking hard enough, or are repressing some important memory. Bertram Forer:心理学家,曾提出Forer Effect(也称Barnum effect,是指人们倾向于相信别人对自己性格的模糊的分析) Forer Effect福瑞尔效应又称人格确认误导、巴拉姆效应( Personal Validation Fallacy,Barnum Effect) ,是指人们常常感到的一些笼统的、模糊的人格描述十分准确地揭示了自己特点的心理倾向,是1948由心理学家Bertram R. Forer提出来的。 分析的对象通常是个体 心理学:科学与民俗的区别 科学心理学有学科继承性(哲学和生理学) 科学心理学有一定的研究范式 理论主张(研究对象的模型或抽象图象) 公认的比喻(将研究客体比作已知的客体) 公认的方法 科学心理学讲究科学方法 系统或科学性 数据 实验数据 * –Description of behavior using careful observations –Explanation involves identifying the cause(s) of behavior –Prediction allows for specification of the conditions under which a behavior will occur or not –Psychological knowledge can be used to assist changes in behavior 以攻击行为为例 * 从有历史记载开始,人们就已经在思考和争论人的本性。例如:身体和精神如何联系起来的?我们的知识是与生俱来的,还是生来是“白板”,后天的经验在上面书写? 印度的佛陀 中国的孔子 希伯来文的圣经:人们通过心脏来思考,通过内脏来感受。 * 希腊哲学家苏格拉底认为:精神独立于身体,在躯体死亡之后仍然存在;知识是固有的。他相信灵魂在死后要从身体里解脱。 苏格拉底的学生柏拉图记录了他的观点。 柏拉图的学生亚里士多德提出不同观点


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