外贸英语对话(第四版)UNIT 10 Packing and Labeling.ppt

外贸英语对话(第四版)UNIT 10 Packing and Labeling.ppt

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外贸英语对话(第四版)UNIT 10 Packing and Labeling

University of International Business and Economics UNIT TEN? Packing and Labeling Words Expressions blouse n. 女式衬衫 garment n. 服装,衣服 definite ways 具体方法 polythene n. 聚乙烯 wrapper n. 封套 catch the eye 引人注目 attractive a. 美观,好看,讨人喜欢的 stow v. 堆放,装入 Words Expressions stevedore n. 装卸工,搬运工 strap n. 带,铁皮带 fragile a. 易碎的,脆弱的 jolt v. 震动,颠簸 pilferage n. 盗窃,偷,扒窃 tamper v. 乱动,瞎弄,干预 functions and powers 职权 to smooth things out 解决问题(困难) Words Expressions rigid a. 僵硬,严格 neutral a. 中性的,中立的 panel n. 板面,商标板面 tin n. 罐头(美) neutral can(packing) 中性包装 all ready for window display 可直接做橱窗陈列 wrapping that catches the eye 引人注意的包装 an open wharf 露天码头 Words Expressions to honor a claim for faulty packing 接受由于包装不善而提出的索赔 The negotiations get bogged down on the 洽谈在商标问题上卡住了。  question of labeling. at the outset 从一开始 They are now quite a headache for us importers. 我们进口商对此感到很头痛。 Useful Phrases and Examples 1. bring up 提出 You may bring up the matter at the meeting for consideration this afternoon. 2. to stand 经得起,耐得住,忍受 The cartons are strong enough to stand rough handling. 3. on the ground(s) of 以……为理由 They would ask for compensation on the grounds of faulty packing. Useful Phrases and Examples 4. to smooth out 解决,弄平 Before going into further discussion, there’s one or two things to be smoothed out. 5. to come across 遇到,偶然碰到 This is


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