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西南林业大学 本科毕业 (设计)论文 ( 2017 届) 题目 自卸汽车举升机构的设计 教学院系 机械与交通学院 专 业 车辆工程 学生姓名 赵闵清 指导教师 评 阅 人 王海军 2017年5 月3 日 自卸汽车举升机构的设计 赵闵清 (西南林业大学 车辆工程专业2013 级,云南 昆明) 摘要:近年来,我国对许多地区的基础建设的投入日益加大,尤其在建房、筑路、 建桥等大型建设项目上的支出逐年递增。而在建设之中所需要用到的原材料如土 地沙石和钢筋水泥的质量又非常的庞大。在这个大背景下,为了避免建造工期的 延误,保证原材料运输的正常进行,工程中标单位往往都要征调大量的自卸汽车, 那么在自卸汽车的工作过程中其举升机构就显得尤为重要。本设计在结合了国内 外大量文献和资料的基础上,分析总结出多连杆举升机构的结构特点和类型。这 种举升机构在工作性能和安全性能等方面都具有非常大的优势。本设计目标为一 台自卸汽车的举升机构,设计包括了举升机构的布置、液压系统的设计还有强度 的校核以及相关设计图纸的绘制。 关键词:自卸汽车的举升机构;机械设计;受力分析;Catia I TheDesignof Self-UnloadingTruckLiftingMechanism ZhaoMinQing (VehicleEngineering2013, SouthwestForestry University,KunmingYunnan) Abstract:In recent years, Chinas investment in infrastructure projects has increased gradually in many areas. Especially the cost in many large construction projects such as building houses, roads and bridges also increased year by year. However, the number of row materials which are needed in construction such as sand and steels is very large. In this condition, engineering companies which win the bidding often call up a large quantity of self-unloading cars to avoid the delay of construction date and guarantee the transport of raw materials. Therefore, the lifting mechanism plays a very important role in the working process of self-unloading cars. This design analyzed and summarized the structural features and style of Multilink lifting mechanism based on the combination of a large number of domestic and foreign documents. This lifting mechanism has such an enormous advantage in many aspects such asworking and safety performance.Thispaper focuses on thethe self-unloading lifting mec


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