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4 1 生命科学研究 V ol . 4 N o . 1
2 0 0 0 3 L ife Science R esearch M ar . 2000
: 1007 -7847 ( 2000) 01-0091-04
1 1 2 1
陈良碧 , 周广洽, 李阳生 , 谭周 ,
1 1 1 1
徐孟亮, 姜孝成, 梁满中, 黄 亮
( 1. , 4 1008 1
2. , 410 125)
: 采用人工气 模拟和特殊自然胁迫相结合的方法, 筛选出了 一批耐旱、耐涝、耐寒的
水稻品种( 组合) , 并分析了这些品种的抗性生理特点, 在此基础上研究出了抗逆栽培技术和
: 水稻 抗性 减灾
: S 332 S5 11: A
Progress in Applied Techniques of Resisting and
Reducing Disaster on Rice
1 1 2 1
CHEN Lian g-b i , ZHOU Guang -qia , L I Y ang-sh en g , T A N Zhou -ci ,
1 1 1 1
XU M eng -liang , JIA N G X iao -cheng , L IA N G M an -zhong , HU A N G Liang
( 1. Colleg e of L if e Sciences, Hunan No rm al U niv er sity, Cha ng sha 4100 81, Hunan , China 2. Ch ang sh a
Ins t it ut e of A gricult ural M odern izat ion, Chin ese A cademy of S cien ces, Chang s ha 4 10 125, Hunan , Ch ina)
Abstract: U sed art ificially simulat ed and nat ural str es s, some rice varieties and hybrid
co mbinat io ns w it h h ardness ( resist ing droug ht , submergence, cold) w ere scr eened out .
M eanw hile, t he h ar dnes s phy siolo gical ch aracterist ics of the rice w ere analy sed. Based
on t hese result s , a set o f cultivat ion t echniqu es o n r esist ing st ress and t echniqu es o n r e-
du cing disaster w ere st udied .
Key words : rice ( or y z a sativ a) h ardness r educing disast er
, ,
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. 4, (
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: 2000 -0 1-25 : 2000-01-28
: ( 95 -00 1-01-04)
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