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18 1 V o l. 18 N o. 1 199 8 2 Bulletin of Soil and Wa ter Co nse rv a tio n Feb. , 199 8      侯秀瑞      许云龙     毕绪岱 (··05006 1  (  (   ,, 6 266. 15 t; 9 640. 24 hm2 , 3 3 1 590. 64 m , 1 156. 84 m , 271. 32 t , 、 、 130. 24 , 38. 15 , N P K t hm2 1 957. 5。 :      Study on Conservative Ecological Benefits Calculating of Mountainous Forest in Hebei Province Hou X iurui ( , , 050061 Forestry School of Hebei Province Shijiazhuang X u Yonglong ( Forestry Academy of Hebei Proevince Bi X udai ( Shij iazhuang Agricultural Moderniz ing Institute of hinese Academy of Sciences Abstract Based o n the analy sis of resea rch o n f orest pro tecti ng soi l i n ho me and abroad , , . combini ng w it h the charact eri stics o f soi l runof f in Hebei Provi nce the datas w ere calcula ted T he soil co nserva ted i s 62 661. 5 thou sa nd t /a, t he decrease o f deserti ng land i s 9 640. 24 hm2 , prev enting of m ud and sand 15 906. 4 thou sa nd m3 , depo siti ng m ud a nd sand 11 568. 4 3 , 2 713. 2 , , 1 thou sand m the loss o f soil o rg anic ma tt er t housand to ns the loss o f N P and K 302. 4 . 3. 815 , 1 957. 5


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