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药学学报 Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica 20 13, 48 (9): 1369 1375 ·1369 ·
亿, 周红霞, 王以光, 甘茂罗, 杨兆勇*
( 中国医学科学院、北京协和医学院医 生物技术研究所, 北京 100050)
摘要: 近十年来, 伴随着海洋放线菌分类研究的不断发展, 越来越多海洋放线菌来源的卤代天然产物被发
因簇的研究中, 一些化合物独特的卤代机制也引起了研究者的广泛关注。本文主 对近年来海洋放线菌来源的
关键词: 海洋放线菌; 卤代天然产物; 卤代
中图分类号: R93 1 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 0513-4870 (20 13) 09- 1369-07
Halogenated natural products from the marine-derived
actinobacteria and their halogenation mechanism
TAN Yi, ZHOU Hong-xia, WANG Yi-guang, GAN Mao-luo, YANG Zhao-yong
(Ins titute of Medicinal Biotechnology, Chinese A cademy of Medical Sciences and Peking Union Medical College,
Beijing 100050, China )
Abstract: In the last decade, along with the development of taxonomy research in marine-derived actinobacteria,
more and more halogenated natural products were discovered from marine actinobacteria. Most of them
showed good biological activity and unique structure compared to those from land. The special halogenation
mechanism in some compounds ’ biosynthesis has drawn great attention. So in this review, we focus on the
halogenated natural products from marine actinobacteria and their halogenation mechanisms.
Key words: marine-derived actinobacteria; halogenated natural products; halogenation
碳 卤键广泛存在于不同结构类型的天然产物 菌产生卤代次级代谢产物, 同时海洋区别于陆地的
中。许多放线菌来源的卤代化合物, 如万古霉素、替 生境特点也为天然产物独特结构的孕育提供了摇篮。
考拉宁、金霉素、氯霉素等, 是临床上常用的抗生素 据统