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2004 年 8 月 清史研究 Aug2004  第 3 期 Studies in Qing History                  No 3   盐政研究 清末禁烟时期的盐斤加价与督抚干政 刘增合 [摘要] “通行盐斤加价”是清末禁烟时期鸦片税厘抵补的重要政策 。此策出台后 , 朝野歧见迭出 , 态度相 当复杂 。增加食盐价格 , 民食倍受影响 , 自然导致舆论反弹 。抵补鸦片税厘虽系迫不得已 , 但清廷藉此推行盐 政集权 , 必将触及食盐产销地区的财政利益 。有关省份的督抚联袂一体 , 频频电争 , 干预中央决断 , 迫使中央 集权难以如愿贯彻 , 发人深省 。 [ 关键词] 清末禁烟  盐斤加价  盐政集权  督抚联盟 [ 中图分类号] K252   [文献标识码] A   [文章编号] 1002 - 8587 (2004) - 03 - 00 11 - 11 Increased Salt Prices and the Intervention of the Senior Provincial Off icials in Politics during the Ban on Opium in the Late Qing Increasing t he price of salt as a comp ensation for t he loss of opium taxation was an important fiscal measure during t he ban on opium in t he late Qing , but t his caused many complicated controversies in t he court and placed financial burden on t he p eople Naturally , t he great burden of t he increased salt price on t he p eople ’s livelihood led to t he opposition By t his measure , t he central government had intended to centralize state power over salt affairs , and t his inevitably damaged t he financial interest s of t he salt - producing and selling areas Therefore , many senior provincial officials joined toget her to intervene in t he decisions of t he central government by frequent telegrams , t hwarting t he realization of t he anticip ated centralization of t he state power    “通行盐斤加价”是清末禁烟时期清廷筹 政集权背景下 , 地方督抚对抗中央财政集权的 补鸦片税厘的措施之一 , 规定在各省食盐原有 干政模式及其广泛影响 , 藉此观览清末中央与 价格的基础上 , 每斤再加四文予以销售 。此策 地方关系的流变态势 。 出台之后 , 朝野纷议顿起 , 督抚飞章反对 , 各 地


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