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26 3 Vol. 26, No. 3
2006 3 A cta Scientiae Circum stantiae M ar. , 2006
, , . 2006. [ J]. , 26( 3) : 472- 476
L iu H C, S en D S, Long Y. 2006. A prelmi inary study on t em ec anism of nitrogen rem oval in a laboratoryscale bioreactor landfill[ J]. A cta Scientiae
C ircum stantiae, 26( 3) : 472- 476
1, 2 2, * 2
刘海春 , 沈东升 , 龙 焰
1. 青海大学生物科学系, 西宁 810016
2. 浙江大学环境与资源学院, 杭州 310029
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90% , .
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: 2006) : X705 : A
A prelim inary study on themechanism of nitrogen removal in a laboratoryscale
bioreactor landfill
1, 2 2, * 2
LIU H aic un , SHEN Dongs eng , LONG Yan
1. Biology Departm ent, Q ing aiUniversity, X ining 810016
2. Env ironm ent andR esource College, Z ejiang University, H angz ou 310029
Received 15 June 2005; received in revised form 9 January 2006; accepted 13 January 2006
Abstract: T e c aracteristics and t e m ec anism of nitrogen rem oval in a leac ate recirculation biological reactor landfill system asw ell as in a nitrogen
rem ova l bioreactor landfill system ave been studied by laboratory smi ulation expermi ents. T e results t at t e biological environm ent provided in t e
nitrogen rem oval bioreactor landfill ism ore conducive for denitrify ing bacteria grow t , and propagationw ere t e denitrifying bacteria population is awl ays
1~ 3 orders ofm agnitude ig er t an in t e leac ate recirculation bioreactor landfill. And t eNH N rem oval rate can reac about 90% .
Keywords: bioreactor; landfil;l leac ate recirculation; denitrifying bacteria; nitro