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# 224 # 1999 8 20 4 Chin J Epidemiol , August 1999, Vol. 20, No. 4 陈恩富 姚军 杨介者 王振海 朱顺元 吴祖云 孟庆跃 袁长海 刘兴柱 = 41. 15/ 10 , 2 . 53, 16. 26/ 10 , 50% , , 15~ 29 , 25 = Cost- benefit analysis for hepatitis A vaccine CHEN Enf u, YAO Jun, YANG Jiezhe, et al. Zhejiang ProvincialHealth andAnti- ep ide ic Station,Hangzhou 3 10009 = Abstract Obj ective To improve economic benef its of hepatitis A HA ) vaccination and to lay a foundation for formulating an immunization strategy for it . Methods Health economics methods w ere used for analyzing the cost- benefit ratio, balance point of cost- benef it and balance point of antibody level after HA vaccination . Results The benef it- cost ratio BCR) for HA vaccine was 2 . 53 in Jiangxing City of Zhejiang Province w ith an HA- specific incidence rate of 41. 15 per ten thousand. Incidence rate of HA w as 16 . 26 per ten thousand at balance point of cost- benefit of HA vaccine. Cost w ould be reduced if serum HA antibody w as screened before vaccination in the population w ith more than 50% of seropositive HA antibody. Conclusion It indicated that more economic benef its w ould be gained if mass HA vaccination strategy w as used. Vaccinee of choice w as those at ages of 15 to 29 years. HA vaccination after antibody screening in the population aged over 25 years w ould be more ecomonic than the direct use. = Key words Hepatitis A Vaccine Cost- benef it analysis H2 ) , ) , 一有关数据和 料: ,


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