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54               FLU ID MACH IN ERY           Vo l37 ,No4 , 2009 文章编号 :  1005—0329 (2009) 04—0054—06 真空冷冻干燥机中冷阱结霜特性的研究 邹同华, 薛玉林, 孙  颖, 苗玉涛 (天津商业大学, 天津  300 134) 摘  要 :  在真空冷冻干燥装置中, 冷阱是用来捕集从物料中升华出来的水蒸汽的主要设备 。由于冷阱处于低温低压的 环境下, 物料中升华出来的水蒸气在冷阱冷壁面上从汽态直接凝华成霜而抽除 。但是, 目前国内外有关低温低压下冷壁 面结霜特性的研究很少, 这对于研究冷阱的传热传质问题和改进冻干装置带来了难度 。本文以冷阱表面的霜和干燥室 内的物料为研究对象, 引用动压测量技术对物料的升华速率进行了试验研究 。同时采用实时摄像法对冷阱表面的结霜 过程进行监测, 并对霜层内的温度梯度进行分析, 进而根据传热问题的傅立叶定律得到霜层的导热系数 。 关键词 :  冷阱; 结霜; 动压测量; 导热系数 中图分类号 :  TB65    文献标识码 :  A Exper im en ta l Study on Perform ance of Fro st on C oldtrap U sed by Vacuum Freezeday ing M ach ine ZOU Tonghua, XU E Yuling, SUN Ying,M IAO Yutao ( Tianj in U n iversity of Comm erce, Tianj ing 300 134 , Ch ina) A b stract:  In vacuum freezedrying m ach ine, Co ldtrap is the m ain equ ipm ent wh ich is u sed to catch water vapor that is sub li m ated from freeze m ateriel. U nder low temp erature and low p re ssure condition, water vapor directly becom es fro st on co ldtrap. But there is very lim ited fro st characteristic study on co ld surface under low temp erature and low p re ssure condition. A t p re sen t , it is difficu lt to re search the heat and m ass tran sfer p rob lem on coldtrap and to imp rove freezedrying equ ipm ents. In th is p ap er, fro st on co ldtrap surface and freeze m aterial in drying cham ber wa s inve stigated. A nd in th is p rocess, actp re ssm easurem ent wa s u sed to study sub lim ation sp eed rate wh ile cam era wa s u sed to mon itor fro st form ation p rocess. A t the sam e tim e, temp erature gra dien t in fro st layer was analyzed, and then coefficient of therm al conductivity is obtained according to Fou rier law. Key word s:  coldtrap ; fro st; actp re ss m easurem en t; therm al conductivity 1 前言


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