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2008 27 3 Sichuan Journal of Zoology Vol1 27 No1 3 2008
1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 3 1, 3 3
吴兆录 , 郑曼丽 , 潘帮珍 , 赵雪冰 , 王紫江 , 杨明
( 1. 云南大学生态学与地植物学研究所, 昆明 650091 2. 中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园 3. 昆明鸟类协会)
: ,
, : ¹ 1987
~ 2006 , 10 3 ~ 11 3 3 18 ~ 4 18 177 ?
9 d, 32 ? 11 d , 34 ? 2 1 d º 2007 2 12 ~ 3 4 ,
7B25 ~ 9B50 , 10B30 ~ 16B30 , 4. 7 ? 1. 5 h / d ( 2. 5 ~ 8. 5 h / d) »
, ,
, ,
: Q 95917 Q 95 811 : A : 1000 - 7083( 2008) 03- 0351- 05
Duration and Its Influencing Factors ofW intering Black-headed Gull
inKunm ing City Zone
1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 3 1, 3 3
W U Zhao- lu , ZHENG M an- li , PAN Bang-zhen , ZHAO X ue-b ing , WAN G Z i-jiang , YANG M ing
( 1. In stitute o f Eco logy and G eobotany, Y unnan U n iversity, K unm ing 65009 1 2. X ishuangb anna T rop ica l Botanical
G a rden, Ch inese A cademy o f Sciences 3. K unm ing A ssoc iation for B ird Con servation)
Abstract: It is an mi portant eco log ica l phenom enon th at m ore th an ten thou sand w in tering black-headed gull ( L arus rid i-
bundus ) da ily poured into the K unm ing c ity zone fo r feed ing and returned to the lake for n ights, in the reg ion o f Lake D ian-
ch ,i Southw est Ch ina, w h ich becam e a key pub lic focu s fo r the close re lation ship betw een hum an and the gulls. Based on
the annua l reco rds dur ing 1987 ~ 200 6 and the da ily ob servation from 12 F ebru ary to 4 M arch in 2007, the duration and its
influ enc ing facto rs