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29 Fabr icat ion of Co nt inuou s Car bon Fiber Reinf orced SiC C er am ic - Compo sit es by Self heat ing Chem ical V apor Inf iltr at ion , , , ( , 100081 L I Jun-ho ng , ZHU Shi-zhen , Y U X iao -dong, SU T ie-jian ( Scho ol o f Mechanical Engineering and A ut omat ion , Beijing Inst it ut e of T echnol ogy , Beijing 10008 1, China : C / SiC , , SEM f : ; ; , 0. 350 . 55m : ; C / SiC ; ; f : T B33 : A : 100 1-4381 ( 2002 07-0029-04 : f / - ( , Abstract C SiC co mposit es w ere f abr icat ed by Self heat ing Chemical V apor Infilt rat ion SHCV I M echanical pro pert ies o f t he composit es w ere invest igat ed , M icrost ruct ur e and f ract ur e m orpho lo- g ies w ere observed under SEM . It sho wed t hat : SHCV I can have fast er inf iltr at ion rate than ot her CV I met hods . Increase of g as flo w rat e w ill improve the com posites , pro pert ies . T he t hickness of carbon co at ing has great inf luence on t heir m echanical pro pert ies , t he appropr iat e value of w hich is w it hin 0. 350. 55m. : - ; f / ; ; Key words self heating chem ical v apor inf il tr at ion C SiC com po sit es mechanical pr opert ies mi- crostr ucture ( Cont inuou s


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