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;提要Outline;;蒙牛抓住了“神五”事件 Mengniu took the event chance of the launch of SHENZHOU V;神舟五号发射成功后,来自央视媒介研究、央视索福瑞媒介研究和AC尼尔森三家调研公司的数据都表明:After the successful launch of spaceship SHENZHOU V, statistics from AC Nielson, CCTV Media Research and Sofarie Media research showed that: 蒙牛现在已经成为乳品行业的第一品牌! Mengniu has already become number one brand name in the milk industry.;;;韩日世界杯,全体中国人的期待 Korea-Japan World Cup 2002, Expectations of all Chinese ; 观众对海尔场景变换的 LOGO切换广告形式记忆犹新 The Logo switch Ad of Haier is very impressive 步步高决赛期间加时赛广告独 具慧眼 Bubugao’s sponsorship for the overtime match of the final is a good choice; 韩日世界杯的收视份额是达到45%, 当数据出来时,错过机会的只有遗憾! The rating share of Korea-Japan World Cup reached 45%, when this number comes out, for those missing the chance, only to regret!;伊拉克战争Iraqi War;统一润滑油:和平的声音 Monarch Lubricating Oil: Voice of Peace; 广告:就像是购买期货,购买的是未来。 数据:表现的是过去,并不能准确预测未来。 Media purchase is something like buying future stock, it is for the future. Survey statistics represents past , not for future. ; 未来,比过去更重要! Future is more important than past;2004年的重大机会:雅典奥运会 The biggest and most important chance in 2004: Athens Olympic Games;;;;广告向谁传播是一个战略性的问题 To Whom Ad being distributed (target)is a strategic issue ;中国消费者受广告影响大 Chinese consumers are deeply influenced by advertisement. 广告培育市场 Ads. foster the market. 广告撬动市场 Ads. start up the market. 广告教育消费者 Ads. Educate consumers.;“宝洁相信广告的力量!”;;消费者重视他人和社会的评价, 被评价的意识强,从众化倾向明显 Chinese consumers highly value the word-of-mouth from other people and society. They show great interests in being evaluated by others, and they have an obvious tendency in staying within the mainstream. ;99%的人不是消费者但他们会影响到消费者,形成一种“势” 99% are not consumers, but they will influence the decision of consumers, and we call it “tendency”.;在中国,不能过分强调目标受众细分化 品牌的传播要充分影响到消费者周围的环境,必须使用大众媒体。 目前,在中国还缺乏具有足够影响力的专业媒体。 ;统一润滑油:专业用品上最大众化的电视时段 Monarch Lubricating Oil: niche products are aired on TV time slot, a very mass media. 2004年1-2月,平均每


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