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第 24 卷第 1 期 制冷与空调 Vol.24 No.1 第 24 卷第 1 期 陈 雨,等:地源热泵仿真的几点探讨 ·83 · 2010 年 2 月 Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Feb. 2010.83~86 文章编号:1671-6612 (2010 )01-083-04 地源热泵仿真的几点探讨 陈 雨 许志浩 马国川 (西南交通大学机械工程学院 成都 610031) 【摘 要】 随着计算机技术的发展,制冷仿真也在产品的研发中得到了越来越多的应用。本文首先根据相关 文献建立了各部件的数学模型,根据模拟的需要给出了水和制冷剂 R22 的常用物理性质的拟合结 果。在此基础上给出了程序编制的总体思路,接着根据作者的实际程序编写过程给出了程序的具 体算法,对每一步的输入和输出参数做了较为详细的介绍,分析了该算法的优点和不足,讨论了 冷凝器与蒸发器采用不同算法的原因,文章最后结合作者编程的体会给出了制冷仿真程序编制的 几点建议供读者编程参考。 【关键词】 制冷仿真;数学模型;拟合;程序算法 中图分类号 TK52 文献标识码 A An study about the simulation of ground-source heat pump Chen Yu Xu Zhihao Ma Guochuan (School of Mechanical Engineering of Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu, 610031 ) 【Abstract 】 With the development of computer technology, refrigeration simulation has more and more applications on the study of new products. This article first establishes the mathematical model of every parts according to the related article, then give the result of common physical properties about water and R22 based on the necessary of simulation. On this basis, the author describe the general idea of programming and the specific algorithm according to the author’s process of the program’s design. For every step, the detail introduction about the input and output parameters is given too. Then the article make an analysis on the advantage and disadvantage of the algorithm and analysis the reason for different algorithm to the condenser and evaporater.In the end of article ,the author give some advice on the desig


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