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Unit 3;Where to get education?; Family education Family is our earliest school, parents is our initial teacher. No matter who they are and what they do, they are our idol for lifetime and where we learn love from.; School education The knowledge and ability from in here, the object of teaching a child is to enable him to get alone without teacher. The aim of school edition is general to prepare student for life in the world. We learn how to draw general conclusions form various facts. Education is to help the students to have a wide diversity of work and interest.;Social education Traditional ideology is so deeply rooted in people’s minds that it is rather hard to be uprooted. ; What is the purpose of education?;;;;;;;;;School Mottos ;Tsinghua University;Harvard University;University of Oxford;Yale University ; 哈佛大学   校训:让柏拉图与你为友,让亚里斯多德与你为友,更重要的是,让真理与你为友   著名毕业生:J.F.肯尼迪总统 剑桥大学   校训:从这里闪耀和神圣的知识   著名毕业生:牛顿 牛津大学   校训:真理是我的老师   加州理工   校训:真理使人自由   耶鲁大学   校训:真理和光明 哥伦比亚大学   校训:从你的智慧之光我们看到光明 普林斯顿大学   校训:为国家服务,为世界服务    ;1、北京大学:思想自由,兼容并包 2、清华大学:自强不息,厚德载物 3、上海交通大学:饮水思源,爱国荣校 4、复旦大学:博学而笃志 切问而近思 5、武汉大学:自强、弘毅、求是、拓新 6、浙江大学:求是,创新 7、中国人民大学:实事求是 8、南京大学:励学敦行,诚朴雄伟 ; 9、 吉林大学:励志图强,求实创新 10、中山大学:博学 审问 慎思 明辨 笃行 11、北京师范大学:学为人师,行为世范 12、华中科技大学:明德厚学、求是创新 13、四川大学:海纳百川,有容乃大 14、中国科技大学:勤奋学习,红专并进,理实交融 15、南开大学:允公允能,日新月异 ;Qinghai Normal University;Related Information ;Related Information;;One of Hyde’s basic purposes is to develop students’ character. This focus on character unleashes the deepest motivation in students’ self-discovery. The school helps students answer the following three questions: -Who am I? -Where am I going? -What do I need to do to get there?; ;Five Principles; Attitude more than aptitude Effort more than ability Character more than talent ;;;;; The United States has both public schools and private schools. Public schools are government-controlled at the city level, with standards being set partially at th


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