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腹 泻 (Diarrhea);定 义 Definition;分类 Classify;急性腹泻的病因 Etiology of acute diarrhea;慢性腹泻的病因(1) Etiology of chronic diarrhea (1);1 分 泌 性 腹 泻 1 Secretory diarrhea;2 渗出性腹泻 ;3 渗透性腹泻 3 Osmotic diarrhea ;4 动力性腹泻 4 Dynamic diarrhea ;5 吸收不良性腹泻 5 Malabsorption diarrhea;临床表现 Clinical manifestation; 临床表现; 临床表现;伴随症状 Accompanied symptom;伴随症状;问诊要点;;*;*;*;*;*;*;*;*;*;*;*;*;*;*;*;*;*;*;*;*;*;*;*;*;*;*;*;*;*;*;*;*;*;*;*;*;*;*;意识障碍 Disturbance of consciousness;定义 Definition;病因 Etiology;病因 Etiology;发生机制;Consciousness refers to a set of neural processes that allow an individual to perceive, comprehend, and act on the internal and external environments. It consists of two components: awareness and arousal. Awareness refers to the higher-level integration of multiple sensory inputs that permit meaningful understanding self and environment, residing in the cerebral cortex. Arousal refers to an “on-off switch” for the cortical awareness system by ascending reticular activating system (ARAS), residing in the brainstem. Any injuries involving both bilateral diffuse cerebral cortex and/or brainstem can cause disturbance of consciousness.;临床表现 Clinical manifestation;临床表现 Clinical manifestation;4 昏迷 coma:严重的意识障碍,意识持续的中断或完全丧失 It’s the serious disturbances of consciousness, consciousness retains interrupted or even loses completely. (1) 轻度昏迷 mild coma:无自主活动,对声光刺激无反应,对疼痛刺激有痛苦表情或肢体退缩等防御性反应;生理反射可存在。 It’s no spontaneous activity, no response to the sound-optic stimulation, having the defensive responses (painful expression or withdrawal limbs) to the ache stimulation, the physiological reflection may exist. ; (2) 中度昏迷 moderate coma :对周围事物及各种刺激均无反应,对于剧烈刺激或可出现防御性反射,各种生理反射减弱或迟钝,眼球无转动。 It has no response to the surroundings and all kinds of stimulation, or may present the defensive reflex regarding the fierce stimulation, each physiological reflection is weaken or slow, the eyeball does not have the rotation. (3) 深度昏迷 deep coma:全身肌肉松弛,刺激无反应,深浅反射均消失The whole body muscle is relaxat


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